Matches 8,801 to 8,850 of 18,015
# | Notes | Linked to |
8801 | Wicaco Church Yard, Now Under the New Church in New Sweden | Ramberg, Peter Gunnarson Sr (I67854)
8802 | Wilburn is listed with his family in the 1880 Federal Census of Graham County, North Carolina. His entry is below. #36 ROSE Wilburn N. 7 | Rose, Wilburn M. (I35034)
8803 | Wiley King may have been born in February 1793 in South Carolina, if so this makes him the first child of Nathaniel King and Elizabeth Runyan King. February 1793 and Feburary 1800 (Carol Jane Sankus King & Caroly Murray), South Carloina is alternate birth information for Wiley, also known as Wyley. Birth: February 1793 in South Carolina is the information listed by Brian Engel and the Smoky Mountain Historical Society. Sandra Staverman and Sam Williamson has the information as February 1800 in South Carolina. Nathan and Lizzie moved to Tennessee about 1804. Wiley married Margaret Adair, the daughter of William Adair and Margaret Ferguson Adair, probably in Sevier County and probably about 1825. (Almost all Sevier County records, including marriage records, before 1856 were destroyed by a courthouse fire in March 1856.) Wi;ey and Margaret had a family that consisted of ten children who married and produced at least 73 grandchildren, at least of whom 18 were grandsons who carring the King name. Wyley was listed in the 1840 through 1850 Federal Census(s) of Sevier County, Tennessee. Although the state of Tennessee seceded from the Union in 1861, East Tennessee was an area of very strong pro-union sentiment, and this was evident in the involvement of the sons and sons-in-law of Wiley and Margaret Adair King. They had ten children - five sons and five daughters. Of their five sons, four served in the Union Forces during the Civil War, and two died while serving. Of their five daughters, three had spouses who died while serving with the Union forces during the War. Including subsequent remarriages of their daughters, Wiley and Margaret Adair King had seven sons-in-law, of whom six served int he Union military forces. In total, Wiley and Margaret Adair King had twelve sons and sons-in-law. Ten served with the Union forces during the War. Five of those men - half of those who served - died while in the military. Wiley King and his family are reasonably well-known because in 1853 he purchased land at Little Greenbrier Cove, Sevier County, in what is now the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. He build a log home on this land, which was almost completed by the time of his death in 1859. The log cabin is now known as the Walker Sisters Cabin and after Wiley's death, went through much, including a law suit between members of the family over the disposition of the land and the land being intigrated into the park. The home is still standing today. His youngest daughter and her family subsequently acquired the home, and five of their unmarried daughters (Wiley's granddaughters) remained in that home until the last one died in 1964. March 11, 1859 is the alternate date of death for Wyley, some alternate sources of death was lost in a merge, but is commonly seen. Brian Engel and the Smoky Mountain Historical Society have it listed as such. Sources: 1840 Federal Census, Sevier County, Tennessee. 1850 Census, Sevier County, Tennessee, Wyly King age forty nine. Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic." American Society for Genealogy and Family History, Wiley King and Margaret Adair of Little Greenbrier Cove, Sevier County, Tennessee. Bird1.Ftw, "Electronic," Date of Import: Mar 10, 2000. Brian Engel Carol Jane Sankus King, The King Family, (1999, First Edition). Carolyn S. Murray, The Carolyn Murray Family Home Page, (December 14, 2000), "Electronic." Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995. Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015)., LLC, World Family Tree Vol. 56, Ed. 1, (Release date: April 2000), "CD-ROM," Tree #1357. 'In the Shadow of the Smokies', Smoky Mountain Historical Society, 1993, p 663. Ina Walker King, Walker-King and Connecting Families - Who's Who. King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001. Nancy Grant.FTW and Correspondence, "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001. Sandra Staverman 'Smoky Mountain Clans', Donald B. Reagan, 1978, p 34. 'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', Donald B. Reagan, 1983, p 230, 232. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic." Williamson.FTW, Date of Import: Jan 26, 2002. | King, Wyley (I33705)
8804 | Wiley Valentine King was born Valentines Day, 1838 in Sevier County, Tennessee, the twin of James Sylvester King. He was married in January of 1860 in Sevier County, Tennessee to Caroline B. Cotter (Colter) by Elder James Cumming, MG. Caroline was probably the sister or cousin of his twin brother's wife. The couple were the parents of two children. During the Civil War Wyley was with the Union Army as a Pvt. in Company B, 2nd Regiment East Tennesse Calvary. He died in 1862 of sickness while serving the Union force. Wyley died at the General Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky from bronchitis and cold contacted while in line of duty on the boat between Cincinnati, Ohio and Louisville, Kentucky. This information can be found on his military records. Caroline B. Cotter (Colter) King did not remarry, and she and the children moved to Knox County, Tennessee, in the 1860s. | King, Wiley Valentine (I33707)
8805 | Wiley was born and then sadly died on the same day. | Hancock, Wiley (I33159)
8806 | Wilfords tombstone just has the birth and death years. | Furbee, Wilford M. (I13348)
8807 | Will probated 31 October 1803. Amherst County, Virginia Wills, 1761-1919. Names of children listed in law suit, 41D Bk "K", page # 364, dated 11 January 1806. GEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt Winch | Proffitt, David Sr. (I40079)
8808 | Will probated in Bullitt, Kentucky | King, Withers (I59414)
8809 | Will probated in Fayette, Kentucky | King, Valentine (I59282)
8810 | Will probated in Stafford County, Virginia. Ancestral File (R), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998) Captain William King, son of Robert King and Hannah Scarborough, was the first of the name whom we find in the records of Stafford County, Va., as settling there permanently. Captain William King, son of Robert King and Hannah Scarborough, was the first of the name whom we find in the records of Stafford County, Va., as settling there permanently. He married Martha Richardson of Middlesex County, Va. He was a captain of militia in that county. After her death he married Judith Peyton, daughter of Valentine Peyton and Frances Gerrard. Col Valentine Peyton, born in England in 1629 a son of Henry Peyton and Katherine Bathman, came to Virginia about 1654 and settled in Westmoreland County where his estate was known as "Nominy." He was descended from the Peytons of Isleham, in Cambridgeshire, England. He married in 1660, Frances, daughter of Dr. Thomas Gerrard and his wife Susanna Snow, (widow of Col. Thomas Spake), of Maryland and Virginia. Captain William King died in Stafford County, Va., in 1716, leaving a will in which he named his children as follows: Elizabeth, Sarah, Jane, Margaret, William Alfred, Thomas and John. | King, Captain William Alfred (I5968)
8811 | Will probated in Stafford County, Virginia. | King, William Valentine (I26260)
8812 | Will was made in March 6, 1775, a month before the battle of Lexington, which precipitated the Revolutionary War. His will was probated at Dover on February 12, 1781, his death was probably a few days before that. On 13 AUG 1759 Bowers and Anna sold to Benjamin Furbee, for 137 pounds 10 shillings PA money, 141 acres 54 perches on the west side of Double Run Branch of Murderkill Creek, formerly conveyed by Andrew Caldwell to Bowers and surveyed for Bowers 4 OCT 1756 by warrant dated 16 DEC 1755; the land was adjacent to Caleb Furbee, James Boyer, and Martinus Sipple; witnesses were George and Mark Manlove. "In 1759 Bowers Furbee bought from Daniel Brinkloe a tract of 225 acres for $267.10, located on the east side of the King's Highway beyond the draw bridge over the Murderkill. Here he was to erect a mansion and develop the family fortune to their highest point. This was a wonderful property and well-suited for the great plantation which it become. The land extends east for almost a mile along the Murderkill and varies in width from a quarter to half a mile. Along the south extends a marsh which was and still is covered by a great forest. The tillable land back of the mansion was divided into, four great sections and was surrounded entirely by a private road running the full length of the property along the Murderkill and marsh. The land is almost as level as a floor and very fertile. A short distance back of the location of the mansion, one still sees traces of the private landing for vessels plying the Murderkill, and the point where the slaves seined the enormous quantity of fish which supplied, in part, the tables of the Plantation. "The mansion, which was destroyed by fire about half a century ago, was built of brick in the style of the English country estate of the period. The story that the bricks were from England, often reported in regard to other old houses along the eastern seaboard, is of doubtful authenticity, although it is a fact that bricks from English brickyards were often used for ballast on the western voyage. The house stood at least a hundred feet back from the highway and at a later date was surrounded by great trees. "The mansion had two stories and an attic with high steep roof as well as many dormer windows. An ell of the same was built on the rear and was probably added in extent as time went on. Both Bowers and his wife, Anna, speak of it in their wills--not without a touch of pride--as the 'mansion.' To judge from other houses of the period, which are still standing in the region, one would say that they were quit justified in the use of the word. Perhaps, Delaware had few finer at that date. "The wealth of Bowers Furbee came to him by ancestral inheritance in his own family, by the succession of his wife, Anna Sipple, to her share in the wealth of her family; (her father, Waitman Sipple, died February, 1762) and especially by his own efforts, 1740-80. During the period of the Revolutionary War, his properties included over a thousand acres. With these vast holdings and with slaves enough to exploit them, he rose to a high position of wealth in this community. The easily-accessible and excellent markets of Philadelphia assured him ready sale for all his products. Especially was this true during the period 1760-80, which included the most important parts of the French and Indian, and the Revolutionary Wars. "However, he was not to be permitted to enjoy his wealth and his ease to a ripe and healthy old age. In his will made March 6, 1775, about a month before the battle of Lexington which precipitated the Revolutionary War, he speaks of himself as being well in health and of perfect mind and memory. The next five or six years were of the most action of his life, and we have no record of final illness. His will was probated at Dover on February 12, 1781. His death probably occurred a few days before that date." Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680 - 1800 page 328 Furbee, Bowers, Will Made May 4, 1775. Heirs: wife Anna; sons Waitman, Caleb, Jonathan & John; daus. Mirriam Davis, Anna & Elizabeth Furbee; grandson Bowers Davis. Exec'x, wife Anna. Wits., Philip Barritt, Caleb Sipple, Elizabeth Sipple. Prob. Feb. 12, 1781. Arch. vol. A18, page 148. Reg. of Wills, Liber L, folios 223-224. Bowers was a very successful Kent County farmer. | FURBEE, BOWERS (I11139)
8813 | William and family were in the 1870 Federal Census of Cherokee County, North Carolina. It places his birth as about 1863. #190 ROSE William 7 NC He was also listed with family in another Census, the 1880 Census of Graham County, North Carolina. His entry is below. #36 ROSE William A. 16 Sources: 1870 Federal Census, Cherokee County, North Carolina, William, 7, NC. 1880 Federal Census, Graham County, North Carolina, William A., 16. Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic." | Rose, William A. (I35029)
8814 | William and Susannah were married by Nicholas Brewer in the Caylor home in Tuckaleechee Cove, Blount County, Tennessee. Sources: Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015). King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001. | Family: William Brickey / Susannah Caylor (F1413)
8815 | William Clabaugh and Elizabeth Handley were married in Blount County, Tennessee on September 23, 1838. They are listed on the records as follows: William Claybo to Elizabeth Hanley 23 September 1838 by Robert Shields, Justice of the Peace. They were listed in the 1850 through 1880 Federal Census of Sevier County, Tennessee. Sources: 'Clabo Family Tree', Gardner Clabo, p 37. 'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', Donald B. Reagan, 1983, p 231. Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995. [Brøderbund WFT Vol. 8, Ed. 1, Tree #0642, Date of Import: Apr 7, 2001] Edith B. Little, Blount County Tennessee Marriages, 1795 to 1910. Whipporwill Publications, Evansville, Indiana, 1982. | Family: William M. Clabough, Jr. / Elizabeth Handley (F236)
8816 | William Clabaugh, III served in Company K, 2nd Tennessee Cavalry, United States Army during the Civil War. He entered service on 16 October 1865 and was discharged on 6 July 1865. 1842 is an alternate date of birth listed in the LDS database. William Clabough III was a private in Company K, 2nd Cavalry in the Union Army during the Civil War. | Clabaugh, William M. III (I30813)
8817 | William died in infancy. Sources: Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015)., LLC, World Family Tree Vol. 56, Ed. 1, (Release date: April 2000), "CD-ROM," Tree #1357. King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic." Rosa Lee Downey notes, 16 June 1983, p 158. 'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', Donald B. Reagan, 1983, p 266. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic." | King, William (I24136)
8818 | William had a graveside service with military honors given by the East Tennessee Veterans Honor Guard. | Hancock, William Minoow (I4319)
8819 | William Henry served three years in the Union Army during the Civil War. He was a Corpl., in Company E. (some sources say B.) 2nd Tennessee Calvary. He served from 1862 to 1865. Two of William Henry's brothers, Bennett and Geroge were also in the Union Army. His brother Wiley was in the Confederate Army. His military carear ended before July 17, 1865. William and his family were members of the Missionary Baptist Church. The family lived all their lives on the same home place in Wears Valley, seventeen miles from the county seat of Sevierville. William served as Justice of the Peace for ten years. Debbie Ferguson and Sandra Staverman list the death date as October 09, 1912. Sources: Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic." 'Clabo Family Tree', Gardner Clabo, p 27. Debbie Ferguson, Debbie Ferguson's Geds. Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995. Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015). 'In the Shadow of the Smokies', Smoky Mountain Historical Society, 1993, p 663. Ina Walker King, Walker-King and Connecting Families - Who's Who. King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001. Nancy Elizabeth King and daughter Josie Ethel King Reagan, Family Bible of John Wiley King and Nancy Elizabeth Cameron, (1857-1930). Sandra Staverman 'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', 1983, Donald B. Reagan, p 245. 'Smoky Mountain Family Album,' Gladys Trentham Russell, 1984, p 51. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic." | King, Corporal William Henry Sr. (I2317)
8820 | William King was a native of Tennessee, born in Gatlinburgh, Sevier County, November 18, 1846; his parents, Nathaniel King and Sarah Ogle King, are deceased. He was listed in the Sevier County Federal Census(s) records from 1850 to 1880. On October 6, 1862, he enlisted from his native place, as a private in Company H, 9th Tennessee Cavlvary, and was an active participant with his command in the battles of Blue Springs, Morristown, Bull's Gap, Greenville, Russelville, and Wautauga, Tennessee. He was furloughed from Knoxville, Tennessee, in the spring of 1865, for thirty days and rejoined his command at Rogersville, Tennessee, in May, of the same year; he was honorably discharged at Knoxville, Tennessee, September 11, 1865. His brother, Isaac, was a soldier in the late war; he also had several uncles and cousins in the service. Mr. King was united in marriage in Sevier County, Tennessee, Febuary 17, 1867, to Martha Ownby, a native of that county, born Febuary 22, 1852; the union was blessed with nine (ten) children, namely: Sarah E., Louis M., Sophia E., Mary E., Isaac N., William R., John Lay I., Martha C. and James H. Mrs. King's father, James Ownby, is yet living, as also her mother, Sophia Evans Ownby (both parents now deceased); her father was a soldier in the late war; her brother, John Ownby, and cousin, Thomas Ownby (Unsure as to what Thomas this refears to), were also in the service. Mrs. King was a member of the Baptist Church and a daughter of hers was or is as well. Comrade King drew a pension, was a farmer, and his address was in the Brier, Sevier County, Tennessee. Sevier County Heritage lists Williams death as November 06, 1933. Sources: 1850 Federal Census, Sevier County, Tennessee. 1860 Federal Census, Sevier County, Tennessee. 1870 Federal Census, Sevier County, Tennessee. 1880 Federal Census, Sevier County, Tennessee. Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic." Bird1.Ftw, "Electronic," Date of Import: Mar 10, 2000. Death Certificate, Sopha King age fifty died 1925, parents Wm. King and Pattie Ownby, number #111... Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995. Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015). East Tennessee Historical Society, "Tennessee Ancestors, Tri-annual Journal," December 2000: page 165 et seq. King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001. Nancy Grant.FTW and Correspondence, "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001. 'Sevier County, Tennessee and Its Heritage', 1994, p 244. 'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', Donald B. Reagan, 1983, p 18, 88, 91, 252, 254. 'Smoky Mountain Family Album,' Gladys Trentham Russell, 1984, p 95. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic." | King, William Ford (I2502)
8822 | William Shuman Descendants [11-13-01].GED] King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [Benjiman Furbee Descendants.FTW] [Furbee.FTW] | Tracey, _____ (I5881)
8823 | William was 60 at the time of his death. Sources: Geneaolgy of the Rainwater Family, Donald S. Webber. Martha Bankson Lyle, Bankson Relatives, "Electronic,",%20Web%20Cards/PS04/PS04_145.HTML. Rainwater Researcher, Robert O. Albert, | Rainwater, William (I35789)
8824 | William was an ancestor of Ruth Proffitt Gregory, he was in the Revolutionary war, was a farmer & a Baptist. William & his brother, Pleasant, drove supply wagons for the colonial army in North Carolina. William filed 2 bastardly bonds at the court house in Wilkes County, North Carolina GEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt Winch | Prophet, William C. Sr. (I40060)
8825 | William was in the 1870 Federal Census of Sevier County, Tennessee. The entry is below: William 28 (1842) Sarah A. 27 (1843) John H. 9 (1861) William C. 7 (1863) Thomas B. 2 (1868) Wiley V. 7/12 (1870) Margaret King 65 (1805) domestic servant It is not yet known if the above mentioned Margaret is a descendant or relative of Nathaniel King and Elizabeth Runyan King. Sources: 1870 Federal Census, Sevier County, Tennessee, William 28 (1842). Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic." Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 13, Ed. 1, (Release date: August 14, 1997), "CD-ROM," Tree #2435. Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995. Ina Walker King, Walker-King and Connecting Families - Who's Who. King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001. 'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', Donald B. Reagan, 1983, p 232, 235. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic." | Walker, William (I13867)
8826 | William was listed in the 1850 through 1880 Federal Census(s) of Sevier County, Tennessee. Sources: 1850 Federal Census, Sevier County, Tennessee. 1860 Federal Census, Sevier County, Tennessee. 1870 Federal Census, Sevier County, Tennessee. 1880 Federal Census, Sevier County, Tennessee. Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic." Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 13, Ed. 1, (Release date: August 14, 1997), "CD-ROM," Tree #2435. 'Clabo Family Tree', Gardner Clabo, p 37. Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995. Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015). King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001. 'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', Donald B. Reagan, 1983, p 231. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic." | Clabough, William M. Jr. (I21246)
8827 | William was listed in the 1870 Federal Census of Sevier County, Tennessee. The entry is below. William 28 (1842) Sarah A. 27 (1843) John H. 9 (1861) "William C. 7 (1863)" Thomas B. 2 (1868) Wiley V. 7/12 (1870) Margaret King 65 (1805) domestic servant Sources: 1870 Federal Census, Sevier County, Tennessee, William C. 7 (1863). King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic." | Walker, William C. (I18084)
8828 | William's given name as listed by the East Tennessee Historical Society is Wm. T. Sources: Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic." Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 13, Ed. 1, (Release date: August 14, 1997), "CD-ROM," Tree #2435. Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995. Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015). East Tennessee Historical Society, "Tennessee Ancestors, Tri-annual Journal," December 2000: page 165 et seq. King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001. 'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', 1983, Donald B. Reagan, p 199, 202, 253. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic. | Maples, William Thomas (I11859)
8829 | William's Surname has been seen listed as Hardin, Harden and Hardon. He was killed in the Civil War near Elk River, Alabama in 1864. | Hardin, William Calvin Sr. (I13855)
8830 | Wilson died while he was still young. | Maples, Wilson (I27237)
8831 | Wilson was listed in the 1860 Census as Willis Large. Sources: Smoky Mountain Ancestral Quest, 'Joab and Anna (McMahan) Rolen Family', Bonita McMahan Rough, March 1995, p 7. 1860 Census[Winch.FTW] [Winch3.ged] GEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt Winch GEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt Winch GEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt Winch GEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt Winch | Large, Wilson (I35582)
8832 | Windsor Caslte | Plantagenet, Queen of Scotland Margaret (I44594)
8833 | Windsor Caslte | Hanover, King of England George IV (I44719)
8834 | Windsor Caslte | Mary (I46841)
8835 | Windsor Caslte | Anne Sophia (I46842)
8836 | Windsor Caslte | Anne Sophia (I46842)
8837 | Windsor Caslte | Prince of England William of Gloucester (I58094)
8838 | Windsor Caslte | Princess of England Margaret (I59185)
8839 | Windsor Caslte | George Duke of Bedford (I66313)
8840 | Windsor Castle | Plantagenet, Princess of England Eleanor (I44573)
8841 | Windsor Castle | Plantagenet, Prince of England Henry (I44576)
8842 | Windsor Castle | Earl of Chester, Prince of England Alphonso (I44579)
8843 | Windsor Castle | Hanover, King of England George III (I44610)
8844 | Windsor Castle | Hanover, Alfred (I45527)
8845 | Windsor Castle | Hanover, Alfred (I45527)
8846 | Windsor Castle | England, Prince of England _____ (I46851)
8847 | Windsor Castle | England, Prince of England _____ (I46851)
8848 | Windsor Castle | Plantagenet, Mary (I47153)
8849 | Windsor Castle | Prince of England William of Gloucester (I58094)
8850 | Windsor Castle | Hanover, King of England William Henry IV (I58281)