The Kingealogy Family Tree

The Study of Sapps and Kings

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8251 Susan never married.

Smoky Mountain Ancestral Quest,
Rosa Lee Downey notes, 16 June 1983, p 14.
'In the Shadow of the Smokies', Smoky Mountain Historical Society, 1993, p 476
'Joab and Anna (McMahan) Rolen Family', Bonita McMahan Rough, March 1995, p 6.
1850 Census
1870 Census


GEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt Winch [Winch4.ged]

GEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt Winch [Winch6.ged]

GEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt Winch [Winch8.ged]

GEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt Winch  
Large, Susanna (I17870)
8252 Susan's given name is commonly seen as Susie, although that is her nickname. Dennis King and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are two of the places where this is seen.

Blount County, Tennessee is an alternate place of birth for Susan.

Alice Foster Blevins entry for Susie is as follows: FEMALE KING m. O. L. HEADRICK.

Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic."
Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995.
Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015).
King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic."
McCammon-Ammons Funeral Records 1918-1940.
'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', 1983, Donald B. Reagan, p 250.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic."
King, Susan Catherine (I18216)
8253 Susanna's given name has also been seen as Susannah.

She was listed in the Sevier County Federal Census(s) records from 1840 to 1880.

1840 Federal Census, Sevier County, Tennessee.
1850 Federal Census, Sevier County, Tennessee.
1860 Federal Census, Sevier County, Tennessee.
1870 Federal Census, Sevier County, Tennessee.
1880 Federal Census, Sevier County, Tennessee.
Bird1.Ftw, "Electronic," Date of Import: Mar 10, 2000.
Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 4, Ed. 1, (Release date: August 23, 1996), "CD-ROM," Tree #2768.
Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995.
Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015).
'In the Shadow of the Smokies', Smoky Mountain Historical Society, 1993, p 711.
King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic."
Nancy Grant.FTW and Correspondence, "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001.
'Smoky Mountain Clans', Donald B. Reagan, 1978, p 288.
'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', Donald B. Reagan, 1983, p 5, 34, 252.
'Smoky Mountain Family Album,' Gladys Trentham Russell, 1984, p 82.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic."
King, Susanna (I32875)
8254 Susannah may have been a Quaker.

GEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt Winch
Jay S. Webb, 230 Harris St., Clinton, TN 37716-4108,
8255 Sweden _____, Paul (I67902)
8256 Switzerland or Germany Family: Peter Stocker / Anna _____ (F10110)
8257 Sydney and his family were in the 1870 Federal Census of Cherokee County, North Carolina. This places his birth as about 1861.
Her entry is below:
#190 ROSE
Sidney 9 NC

He is also listed with family in another Census, the 1880 Census of Graham County, North Carolina. The entry is below.
#36 ROSE
Synda B. 18 NC

1870 Federal Census, Cherokee County, North Carolina, Sidney, 9, NC.
1880 Federal Census, Graham County, North Carolina, Synda B., 18, NC.
Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic."
Monroe County, Tennessee Marriage Records.
Olga Jones Edwards and Izora Waters Frizzel, The Connection in East Tennessee. 
Rose, Sydney B. (I35027)
8258 Talbott Tennessee is located in Hamblen and Jefferson Counties. Proffitt, Charles Clifford (I36049)
8259 Tayler County people in the Revolution by Charles Brinkman, 1946 West Virginians in the Revolution
Joseph Sapp's birth was in England or Holland, married cir 1796 and died September 14, 1837 in Monongalia Co., (W)VA. He came to America with his brother James or John. James/John went west of the Ohio River and was never heard from again. At the close of the Revolution he came west and settled on Scotts Run at Morgantown, (W)VA.
Land Records of Sussex County, Delaware, 1782-1789.
Page 25 - Certificate of discharge 26 Jan 1788, Philadelphia. Joseph Sapp certified unfit for further service in Delaware in field or garrison, from wound
received in service. Signed: Walter Stewart, Colo. Insp. Northn. Army. Discharge signed by W. Jackson, Asst. Secy. at War, attest Jos. Casletes Secy. Papers judges genuine by Wm. Perry and Joseph Hazzard, JP,s for Sussex, 7 Oct 1785; instructed to pay SAPP 1 pound, 17 shillings, 6 pence per month from time of discharge. Jno. Russell, recorder. Researched by : (Henry C. Peden, Jr., M.A.,
C.G.R.S. Maryland, January 11, 1995.). Submitted by: (Rebecca Synder Bromley, Aug. 8th 1997)
Delaware Archives, Military, Volume I:
Page 121 - Joseph Sapp, private in the late Delaware Regiment now the 1st Company of the 2nd Battalion in Colonel Williams' Regiment serving in the Southern Army of the United States - Hillsborough, North Carolina, roll dated September, 1780, stating Joseph Sapp was a casualty [wounded] in August; listed in September also as a casualty [continuation of the foregoing].
Researched by : (Henry C. Peden, Jr., M.A., C.G.R.S. Maryland, January 11, 1995.). Submitted by: (Rebecca Synder Bromley, Aug. 8th 1997)
Delaware Archives, Volume II.
Page 715 - Joseph Sapp (Record dated in 1782). Private, Delaware Regiment. What Countrymen: American, Complaint: Wounded, What Limb: The Arm, Place Where Wounded: Ninety-Six, When Wounded: June 14, 1781, When Entered Service: April 2, 1776, Married or Single: Married. (Receiving a pension as an invalid). Note:(Their were other entries pertaining to his pension, and this one is the most interesting: Henry C. Peden, Jr., M.A., C.G.R.S). Researched by : (Henry C. Peden, Jr., M.A., C.G.R.S. Maryland, January 11, 1995.). Submitted by: (Rebecca Synder Bromley, Aug. 8th 1997)
Page 139 - Joseph Sapp appears on a return of men who were invalided or discharged, Phila., Dec. 28, 1783. Researched by : (Henry C. Peden, Jr., M.A., C.G.R.S. Maryland, January 11, 1995.). Submitted by: (Rebecca Synder Bromley, Aug. 8th 1997)
Delaware, Sussex County, December 20, 1789.
Joseph Sapp With wife Sarah and daughter Mary
Sapp, John. Madison Co.
North Carolina
Sapp, Joseph.
New Jersey
Sap, William. Dover Township, Monomouth.

8260 The 1880 Cencus had her age as 17.

Lissie was A rolly polly chubby woman. Soft spoken like her husband, she could make the best biscuts and bread on a wood stove. She had a lot of hugs and kisses to give the grandchildren.
Moore, Malissa Maud (I10941)
8261 The 1880 Cencus of Wetzel County, West Virginia, West Virginia had her age as 15. Moore, Mary Ellen (I6445)
8262 The 1880 Wetzel County, West Virginia. Cencus has her age as 4. Moore, Mahala Bell (I6454)
8263 The 1880 Wetzel County, West Virginia. Cencus has his age as 6. Moore, Ebenezer Edward (I6453)
8264 The 1880 Wetzel County, West Virginia. Census has Anthony C. Moore's parents birth as being in Virginia.

Came to Wetzel County, West Virginiaunty in 1842 from Men. County. He lived in a log house past the Moore Cemetary.

Birth and death dates for Crawford and Tabitha, and all information on 2nd wife is from MOORE Vol II complied by Dorothy T. Hennen.
8265 The amusement park Dollywood is where Jaspers land used to be. Family cousin and country westren singer Dolly Rebacca Parton bought the land and what is now all of the parking lot and a good part of the part is our King family land.

He's found in the 1910 census in Civil District 4, Sevier County, Tennessee: KING, Jasper A. (52); wife Selah C. (45); children Caldona (15); Laura E. (5); Alma P. (2). Jasper and Selah had been married 35 years; she was the mother of 9 children, 6 of whom were living when this census was taken. Everyone in the household was born in Tennessee, as were their parents. Jasper was a farmer.

King, Jasper Andrew (I1129)
8266 The birth and death dates for Malinda are correct, she lived to be over 100 years old.

King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001. 
Underwood, Malinda Payne (I3794)
8267 The birth entery for R. Harrison in the bible of Lizzie Cameron King is "R.H. Cotter was borned May the 14, 1888" and the death enntry is "Harrison Cotter Deceast June the 3 1897". Cotter, R. Harrison (I24809)
8268 The birth entry for Elizabeth is as follows in the family bible of Lizzie Cameron King "Bessy May King was borned September the 30, 1908" and the death entry is "Bessie M. King died February 17, 1930". King, Elizabeth May Bessy (I18185)
8269 The birth entry for George in the family bible of Lizzie Cameron King is as follows "George A. King was borned Septmeber the 19, 1915".

George Andrew King entered service in World War II in April, 1944. He was wounded and out of action for six weeks. He received his first Purple Heart for being wounded. He went back into action on December 26, 1944 and was killed on January 8, 1945, he recieved his second Purple Heart. He was also awarded the Rifleman's Badge for sharp shooter and the Gold Star. He was killed at Latham, Luxembury Germany, and was buried there. He served with the 26th Division under General Patton.

'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', Donald B. Reagan, 1983, p 249.
Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995.
'Smoky Mountain Family Album,' Gladys Trentham Russell, 1984, p 52.
King, George Andrew (I15304)
8270 The birth entry for Hoyel in the Family Bible of Lizzie Cameron King is as follows "Hoyel Sherman King was borned June the 9, 1918".

Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995.
Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015).
'In the Shadow of the Smokies', Smoky Mountain Historical Society, 1993, p 663.
King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001.
Nancy Elizabeth King and daughter Josie Ethel King Reagan, Family Bible of John Wiley King and Nancy Elizabeth Cameron, (1857-1930).
'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', Donald B. Reagan, 1983, p 249.
King, Hoyel Sherman (I7415)
8271 The birth entry for Joe in the family bible of Lizzie Cameron King is "J.L. Cotter was borned Nov. the 6, 1885" and the death entry is "Joe Cotter Deceast April the 25, 1906". Cotter, Joe L. (I24807)
8272 The birth entry for M. Alice in Lizzie Cameron Kings family bible is "M.A. Cotter was borned January the 17, 1884" and the death entry is as follows "Alice Carnes Dide July the 14, 1907". Cotter, M. Alice (I24805)
8273 The birth entry for W. Bates in the family bible of Lizzie Cameron King is "W. Bates Cotter was borned October the 14, 1891". Cotter, W. Bates (I24812)
8274 The birth entry for William in the family bible of Lizzie Cameron King is as follows "William J. King was borned September the 19, 1903" and the death entry is "William J. King Deceast December the 2 1914".
King, William J. (I15254)
8275 The birth entry in the family bible of Lizze Cameron King for John is "J.A. Cotter was borned January the 6, 1883". Cotter, John A. (I24804)
8276 The Book "Virden and Allied Families of Delaware" as well as a few other sources debate as to whom Susannah Lowber married first. Many other researchers and I believe that Susannah married David Lewis after the death of Benjamin Furbee. The wedding gift of the 100 acres of land at Double Run, called Furby's Lot, and the birth dates of her children seem to indicate that the timing would not allow David to have been the first husband.

8277 The Carolina's Family: Nicholas Koone / Mary DeWalt (F5260)
8278 The couple had 11 children. Family: ROBERT MARSHALL, Jr. / ASA ANN TROTTER (F759)
8279 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Prince George William Hanover / Princess of Greece Sophia Anderson Mountbatten (F17937)
8280 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Robert A. Clark / R.N. Rosalie A. Masters (F13034)
8281 The couple is listed with thier son John in the 1870 Census.

1870 Census 
Family: Sameul Large / Jane Rolen (F7531)
8282 The couple were married by Fredrick Emmett.

Eleanor and Dan had no children of their own.

Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015).
King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001. 
Family: Daniel Caylor / Eleanor Brickey (F7897)
8283 The Court Records regarding his daughter:
"On 29 OCT 1807 in Monongalia Co. court, Alisay/Alison Tribbet, a single woman, swore that on 20 APR 1807 she was delivered of a female bastard child fathered by Bowers Furbee, laborer; recognizance bond for Bowers was secured by James McVicker 5 DEC 1807. Bowers moved to Tyler Co., VA, soon after 1810."

Book - History of Tyler County, West Virginia, to 1984.
Book - Monongalia County, (West) Virginia: Records of the District, Superior and County Courts: 1805-1808, Volume: Vol. 6.
Gedcom - Benjiman Furbee Descendants.FTW, James and Melanie Turner, Date of Import November 13th, 2001.
Gedcom - King.GEDCOM. Date of Import: December13, 2001. 
Furbee, Bowers (I12006)
8284 The daughter of Cyrus, (the youngest), Ann King, married William Fairfax. Other children of Cyrus were: Cyrus, Jr., who was a soldier in the Revolutionary Army, Marianna who married a Dinwiddie, and Samuel. King, Cyrus Sr. (I6023)
8285 The death Certifiacte of Martha Jane Hedrick King is as follows: Death Certificate for Jennie King age ninty two born Blount County, Tennessee, died 1925 Sevier County, Tennessee, parents James Headrick and Manerva Stephenson, number #168.

Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic."
'Clabo Family Tree', Gardner Clabo, p 27.
Death Certificate, Jennie King age ninty two, parents James Headrick and Manerva Stephenson, number #168..
Debbie Ferguson, Debbie Ferguson's Geds.
Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995.
Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015).
'In the Shadow of the Smokies', Smoky Mountain Historical Society, 1993, p 663.
Ina Walker King, Walker-King and Connecting Families - Who's Who.
King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001.
Nancy Elizabeth King and daughter Josie Ethel King Reagan, Family Bible of John Wiley King and Nancy Elizabeth Cameron, (1857-1930).
Olga Jones Edwards and Izora Waters Frizzel, The Connection in East Tennessee.
'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', 1983, Donald B. Reagan, p 245.
'Smoky Mountain Family Album,' Gladys Trentham Russell, 1984, p 51.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic."
Headrick, Martha Jane (I21137)
8286 The Death Certificate for Sophia King read Sopha King age fifty died 1925, parents Wm. King and Pattie Ownby, number #111.

Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic."
Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 13, Ed. 1, (Release date: August 14, 1997), "CD-ROM," Tree #2435.
Death Certificate, Sopha King age fifty died 1925, parents Wm. King and Pattie Ownby, number #111..
Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995.
Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015).
East Tennessee Historical Society, "Tennessee Ancestors, Tri-annual Journal," December 2000: page 165 et seq.
'In the Shadow of the Smokies', Smoky Mountain Historical Society, 1993, p 698.
King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001.
'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', Donald B. Reagan, 1983, p 49, 91, 124, 254, 256.
'Smoky Mountain Family Album,' Gladys Trentham Russell, 1984, p 202.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic."
King, Sophia Elizabeth (I4758)
8287 The death entry for George in his daughter Lizzie Kings familt bible is "G. M. Cameron Died March 25, 1924". Cameron, George M. (I24798)
8288 The death entry for Lizzie Cameron King's grandmother in her Family bible is "N.C. Burnes Died July the 28, 1898" Burnes, Narcissa Caroline (I33716)
8289 The East Tennessee Historical Society lists Davids name as David A. Maples.

Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic."
Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 13, Ed. 1, (Release date: August 14, 1997), "CD-ROM," Tree #2435.
Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995.
Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015).
East Tennessee Historical Society, "Tennessee Ancestors, Tri-annual Journal," December 2000: page 165 et seq.
King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001.
'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', 1983, Donald B. Reagan, p 199, 253.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic."
Maples, David Crockett (I10386)
8290 The East Tennessee Historical Society lists her given name as Rosanna.

Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic."
Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 13, Ed. 1, (Release date: August 14, 1997), "CD-ROM," Tree #2435.
Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995.
Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015).
East Tennessee Historical Society, "Tennessee Ancestors, Tri-annual Journal," December 2000: page 165 et seq.
King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001.
'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', 1983, Donald B. Reagan, p 199, 253.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic."
Maples, Mary Roseann (I11822)
8291 The East Tennessee Historical Society lists James Abijah as I.A. Maples, confusing the J of James for the letter I.

The death certificate for James Maples reads James Maples age sixty two, died 1925, parents James Maples (?) King, number #95.

Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic."
Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 13, Ed. 1, (Release date: August 14, 1997), "CD-ROM," Tree #2435.
Death Certificate, James Maples age sixty two, died 1925, parents James Maples (?) King, number #95..
Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995.
Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015).
East Tennessee Historical Society, "Tennessee Ancestors, Tri-annual Journal," December 2000: page 165 et seq.
'In the Shadow of the Smokies', Smoky Mountain Historical Society, 1993, p 401.
King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001.
Rosa Lee Downey notes, 16 June 1983, p 120.
'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', Donald B. Reagan, 1983, p 73, 192, 194, 199, 200, 238, 253.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic."
Maples, James Abijah (I10140)
8292 The East Tennessee Historical Society states that James became a soldier late in the American Civil War. Ownby, James S. (I11044)
8293 The entery from the Family bible of Lizzie Cameron King for Ida's birth is as follows "Ida A. King Was borned December the 19, 1897" and the death entry is "Ida J. King Deceast February the 29 day 1904". King, Ida A. (I15192)
8294 The entry for george in the 1850 Federal Census of Blount County, Tennessee is below.
18 1721 1721 SLAUGHTER George 18 M Tenn

1850 Federal Census, Blount County, Tennessee.
1870 Federal Census, Cherokee County, North Carolina.
Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic."
Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995.
Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015)., LLC, World Family Tree Vol. 56, Ed. 1, (Release date: April 2000), "CD-ROM," Tree #1357.
Ina Walker King, Walker-King and Connecting Families - Who's Who.
King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001.
'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', 1983, Donald B. Reagan, p 259.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic." 
Slaughter, George Lafayette (I19271)
8295 The entry for Isaac in the 1850 Federal Census of Blount County, Tennessee is below.
21 1721 1721 SLAUGHTER Isaac J. 10 M Tenn

1850 Federal Census, Blount County, Tennessee.
Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic."
Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995.
Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015)., LLC, World Family Tree Vol. 56, Ed. 1, (Release date: April 2000), "CD-ROM," Tree #1357.
King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001.
'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', 1983, Donald B. Reagan, p 259.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic." 
Slaughter, Isaac Jackson (I19310)
8296 The entry for Mary's birth in the family bible of Lizzie King is as follows "Mary A. King Was borned January 28, 1875" and the entry for her death is "Mary A. King Deceast September the 10 Day 1905". King, Mary A. (I15206)
8297 The Entry for Nancy in the 1850 Federal Census of Blount County, Tennessee is below.
20 1721 1721 SLAUGHTER Nancy C. 12 F Tenn

She and her family were in the 1870 Federal Census of Cherokee County, North Carolina.
#190 ROSE
Isaac 37 TN
Nancy 33 TN
Sidney 9 NC
William 7 NC
Mary 5 NC
Albert 3 NC
Sarah 7mos NC

Nancy's also listed with family in another Census, the 1880 Census of Graham County, North Carolina. This places her birth about 1838.
#36 ROSE
I. T. 50 NC NC NC
Nancy 42 TN TN TN
Synda B. 18 NC
William A. 16
Mary E. 14
Albert J. 12
Sarah L. 10
Martha J. 8
Wilburn N. 7
James 5

1850 Federal Census, Blount County, Tennessee, 20, 1721, 1721, SLAUGHTER, Nancy C., 12, F, Tenn.
1870 Federal Census, Cherokee County, North Carolina, Nancy, 33, TN.
1880 Federal Census, Graham County, North Carolina, Nancy, 42, TN TN TN.
Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic."
Bill and Wilma Millsaps, Graham County Cemetery Listings.
Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 13, Ed. 1, (Release date: August 14, 1997), "CD-ROM," Tree #2435.
Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995., LLC, World Family Tree Vol. 56, Ed. 1, (Release date: April 2000), "CD-ROM," Tree #1357.
Ina Walker King, Walker-King and Connecting Families - Who's Who.
King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001.
'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', 1983, Donald B. Reagan, p 259.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic."
Slaughter, Nancy Catherine (I19298)
8298 The entry for Sarah in the 1850 Federal Census of Blount County, Tennessee is below.
19 1721 1721 SLAUGHTER Sarah E. 16 F Tenn

1850 Federal Census, Blount County, Tennessee.
Alice Foster Blevins, Descendants of Nathaniel King, (November 27th, 2001), "Electronic."
Dee Lansford GEDCOM, 24 September 1995.
Dennis W. King.Ftw, (5386 S SALIDA CT, AURORA CO, USA 80015)., LLC, World Family Tree Vol. 56, Ed. 1, (Release date: April 2000), "CD-ROM," Tree #1357.
King.Ged, (Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001), "Electronic," Date of Import: Dec 13, 2001.
'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 3', 1983, Donald B. Reagan, p 259.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "Electronic." 
Slaughter, Sarah Elizabeth (I19283)
8299 The entry for the birth of Jep in the Family bible of Lizzie Cameron King is as follows "Jep. King was borned November the 12, 1911" and the death entry is "Jep. King died Oct. the 12, 1924".
King, George Jep. (I15292)
8300 The entry in lizzie Cameron Kings family bible is "S.J. Cotter was borned August the 5, 1881". S.J. and Ida share the same birth date so I am assuming that they are the same individual. Cotter, Ida J. (I24803)

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