The Kingealogy Family Tree

The Study of Sapps and Kings

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
4051 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Minister, Goshen Baptist Church.
The Mundell (Mundle) Family 1968 
Corbly, John (I7431)
4052 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Moved to Adams Co., Illinois, near Camp Point. 
Seaton, Richard (I7541)
4053 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Moved to Browing, Linn Co., MO. He was a wheelright. The Mundell Family 
Mundell, Hugh (I6523)
4054 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Moved to Highland County, Ohio. 
Steele, Leonard (I6881)
4055 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Moved to Illinois. 
Garrison, George (I6892)
4056 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Moved to Illinois. 
Garrison, Sarah (I6903)
4057 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Moved to Illinois. 
Garrison, Rhuhanna (I6905)
4058 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Moved to Ohio. 
Garrison, Cynthia (I6897)
4059 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Moved to Shelby Co., MO where he died in 1852 and his wife died in 1861.
The y lived in Virginia (WVA?) a short time before going to Missouri.
They lived in the area of JAckson Township, Green Co., PA where they
purchased land in 1841. The Mundell Family 
Mundell, Abner (I6521)
4060 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Moved to Tyler Co., (W)VA.
The Mundell Family 
Hatfield, Jacob (I7009)
4061 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Moved to Tyler Co., (W)VA. He died before 1850.
The Mundell Family 
Hatfield, John (I6772)
4062 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Mover to Floyd Co., Indiana before 1820. 
Thompson, John (I7531)
4063 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Mover to Harrison County, West Virginia. 
Bowen, Lot (I6784)
4064 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Mover to Wetzel County, West Virginiaunty, West Virginia. 
Garrison, Jerusha (I6801)
4065 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Mover to Woodford County, Illinois. 
Bowen, Garrison (I6783)
4066 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


My Grandparents, Pat and Ellen Clark, were more my parents than my
grandparen ts. They raised and caried for me since I was 2 years old. I
always called them Mom and Dad.
Mom was a very good woman and loved to sing hymns and attend church. Dad
would rather drink a little and go to a good square dance or pla y cards
with his friends. They divorsed when they were in their sixtys, afte r
almost 40 years of marriage. I was given my choice of who I would live
w ith. I chose Dad because it's more fun to go to dances and parties then
chur ch.
Dad at that time owned a large farm, about 500 acres, with 200 to 300
he ad of sheep and 20 to 50 head of cattle. He was known as a stockman
who boug ht and sold livestock. I never knew Dad to do a hard days work.
He always h ired hard work done. He even made me work hard.
Dad would do the cooking and inside work and I would feed the livestock
and milk the cows. As I remember , he was not the best cook in the
world. Every two or three weeks he would h ave Anthony and Cora Morris
(who lived on part of the farm as tennent farmers ) come stay with us for
3 or 4 days to cook us some good meals.
On the 8th d ay of April, 1932 I came home from school and found Dad in
his rocking chair, dead. What a shock that was. He is buried in Moore
Cemetery, Wetzel County, West Virginia., WV A.
J.H. (Tim) Ashcraft
He was 5' 9". He was married by Preacher Sam Furbee . He was married on
either the 20 or 25 of September, 1895. Buried in Moore Cemetary, Wetzel
Co., WVA. Was a Postmaster at Dean and a prosperous farmer . He was also
a trader. He died of heart failure. Pat was financially sucess ful and
was an influential Republican leader in Wetzel County, West Virginia. and a respected
livestock dealer.
From my dialogue with JH Ashcraft, Tim Ashcraft July
My Gradfather was 5'8" or 9", weighed about 160 to 165 pounds, and his
hair was snow white. He lost most of it that I can remember. There was
not very much there; a little fuzz more than anything else on top and he
had a fever when he was around 30 and it caused his hair to turn white
almost overnight, and then losing it. He was a very vain man. He would
try to look as good as he could. Of course, as I remember it, I think he
bathed twice a year if it was a good year; sometimes--he'd change his
underwear a little more often th an that but he wasn't known to take a
bath too often. 
Clark, Patrick (I6153)
4067 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Name may have been Mary Ella. She is buried in Carmichael Cemetary, Wolf
Run , Marshall Co., West Virginia. 
Robinson, Ella May (I6297)
4068 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Named in his father's will. Died before 1834 when Richard Long was
appointed guardian for his minor children. His wife was Sarah.
The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Family
In 1810 cencus his household contained 1 female 16-26 (wife ?), 1female
over 45 (mother?) and 4 males under 10. In 1830 his widow is lis ted as
being born between 1770 and 1780. Garrett Mundell, a son, was only tw o
doors removed.
After joseph's death, Sarah petitioned that her husband, Jo seph Mundell,
lately died leaving the children: Elizabeth and Cephas. Richar d Long was
appointed guardian on November 15, 1830; at the same time he was
appointed guardian of their broyher, James Mundell, who filed his own
petiti on as he was over 14 years of age.
On March 19, 1834 (OC 2 Page 32) Richard Lo ng petitioned to sell the real
eastate, 106 acres, in Monongahela Township fo r Joseph's children:
Garrett, Levi, John, James, Elizabeth and Cephas. It wa s sold on June
10, 1834 with the widow's dower to remain in his hands during her natural
The Mundell Family 
Mundell, Joseph (I6537)
4069 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Never married.
The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families 
Lantz, Mary (I7420)
4070 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


No other information is available. 
Preston, Elizabeth (I6476)
4071 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


No other information is available. 
Preston, Sarah (I6477)
4072 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Not named in father's will. Baptised at Goshen Baptest Church on October
13, 1786.
The Mundell Family " wife Mrs. Mary Hopstein".
Levi was probably the yo ungest son and there were no children. His wife
had children from a previous marrige. His will was written in April 1860
and it was filed for probate De cember 5, 1862. The Mundell Family 
Mundell, Levi (I6536)
4073 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Not named in her father's will. Baptised bt Goshen Baptist Church on
Septembe r 30, 1786. 
Mundell, Eleanor (I6533)
4074 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Not named in his father's will. He was baptised in the Goshen Baptist
Church on October 13, 1786 and is frequently mentioned in their records.
His wife w as Catherine Buckingham, born August 22, 1767, daughter of
William and Jane ( Jones) Buckingham. Was a member of Captain William
Crawford's Militla Compan y.
From The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families
Was listed in 1790 censu s of Washington Co., PA when his household
consisted of himself, 5 males unde r 16 and 3 females.
Jonathan was received into Goshen Baptist Church, Green Co ., PA October
13, 1786, by baptism. On October 6, 1787 he was cited for non- attendance
and on October 27, 1787 he acknowledged his fault; however on June 19,
1790 he was again cited for non-attendance. On January 22, 1791 he was
laid under censure for disorderly behavior. He was excluded from the
churc h on february 25, 1804. He moved to the area near Cincinnati, OH
where he wa s a gunsmith. His will was probated on October 14, 1835.
From The Mundell Fam ily 
Mundel, Jonathan (I6530)
4075 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Of Christian Co., KY The Mundell family 
Dillingham, Vachel (I7716)
4076 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


On July 23, 1868, Samuel made his home in Wetzel County, West Virginia. and in Clay
District. H e is engaged in the varied avocations of a farm life. His
Post Office addres s is Milo, Wetzel County, West Virginia., West Virginia. Hardestry's
1860 Census, Gilmore To wnship, Green Co., PA, gave occupation as farmer
owning $2,000 of real estate and $300 personal property.
1860 Census - Mamuel M. born in PA, Age 35 -- Sar ah norn in PA, age 37 --
Mary J. born in PA, age 16 -- Jacob born in PA, age 15 and Sarah, born in
PA, age 12.
1850 Census, Greene County, Jackson Townsh ip has his farm as worth $1,000. 
Hatfield, Samuel M. (I6095)
4077 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Phoebe and Benjamin were 1st cousins. Their children were Frank R.,
Nelson G ., Sadie Belle, Jennie and Charles. 
Sapp, Phoebe (I6433)
4078 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Pretty and very outgoing. Popular in school. She played basketball.
Dated one boy through school. After graduation she went to Martins
Ferry, Ohio to work..Talks a lot and laughs a lot and likes to give
advice. Sometimes it ge ts her into hot water but never would she mean to
hurt someone.
Jessie and P aul lived in St. Clairsville, OH.
Freda Ashcraft
The county records has her b irth date listed twice, once by her father
and October 2, 1912 by Dr. G. W. A nderson 
Sapp, Jessie Darling (I6097)
4079 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Quite and intelligent. When she started high school one of her teachers
told Dad that she was so quiet and never volenteered to answer questions
in class , but after the first written test he realized she was a very
good student. She was a school teacher and loved teaching. Retired one
year early to take care of Mom. I took care of her 2 children for 2
years at $3.00 per week so she could teach school.
Cecile and Wilber lived in Greene County, Pennsylvania
Freda Ash craft[king.GED]

[Benjiman Furbee Descendants.FTW]

[Some Sapps.GED]


Cecile Huffman, 82, of 827 Sherman Avenue, Waynesburg, died of a heart attack at 10 a.m. Wednesday, November 13, 1991 in her home.

She was born June 24, 1909, in Wetzel County, W. Va., near Hundred, W. Va., a daughter of Anthony Clyde and Edna Kirkpatrick Sapp.

Her early life was spent in West Virginia. She had resided in Greene County since 1931.

Mrs. Huffman was a member of First Christian church of Waynesburg and the Loyal Partners Sunday School Class.

She was a graduate of Hundred High School and West Liberty (W.Va.) State College.

She was a teacher in the Wetzel County School District grades one through five, and the West Greene School District.

During her teaching career, she taught in several one-room schoolhouses. She retired in 1974.
Mrs. Huffman was a member of the Garden Club, Retired Teachers Association, and the Business and Professional Women's Club.
Her husband, J. Wilbur Huffman, died September 25, 1959.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Jack D. (Coral) Cervelli of Lakewood, Ohio; a son, Jay W. Huffman of New Philadelphia, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. Paul (Jessie) Riesbeck of St. Clairsville, Ohio; Mrs. Tim (Freda) Ashcraft of Hundred, W. Va. and Mrs. Lewis (Grace) Mallamo of Fairmont, W. Va.; a brother, Walter Clyde Sapp of Austin, Texas, and five grandchildren.

Deceased are three sisters, Susan McCollum, Velum Sapp, and Lavern Carter; and a brother Marvin Sapp. (Mt. Zion Cem., Bluff) 
Sapp, Cecile Audrey (I6099)
4080 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Remained in Green Co., PA and it is likely that Abner and Mary resided
with t hem during the later years of their lives.. Joseph an Mary are
buried at Gar ards Fort. The Mundell Family 
Mundell, Joseph (I6525)
4081 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Richard was a merchant who joined the East India Co. in 1614 when the
company had 24 ships. His will was probated 7 May 1628.
All the children, except Doro thy were christened at St James Church,
London. Dorothy must be the oldest c hild and the family must have moved
to London after Dorothy's birth.
Edward was not listed in his fathers will.
The Ashcraft Family, Descendants of Daniel
by Martha Ashcraft Neal 
Ashcrofte, Richard (I6585)
4082 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Sarah was names as a executor of Thomas Homer's, he step-father, will. 
Anderson, Sarah (I6472)
4083 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Sarrah had 12 children. and a second husband. 
McIntire, Sarrah (I6255)
4084 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


See The Ashcraft Family, Descendants od Daniel by Mathhe Ashcraft Neal
for mo re information. 
Ashcraft, Jediah (I7074)
4085 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Served in Civil War Co. A 22nd PA 
Mundell, James Watson (I7771)
4086 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


Served in the Battalion of the Washington Co., Pennsylvania Militia. He
is b uried in the Fort Martin Church Cemetery near Morgantown, West
Evans, John (I6359)
4087 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


She died at age 54 and is buried in the Mundell cenetery. Her parents
were R obert Cree and Janet. 
Cree, Ann (I7359)
4088 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


She is buried in Carmichael Cemetary, Wolf Run, Marshall Co., West
Barney, Catherine (I6302)
4089 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


She is buried in Carmichael Cemetary, Wolf Run, Marshall Co., West
_____, Elizabeth (I6304)
4090 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


She is buried in Pisgah Church Cemetery, Monongalia Co., WVA. 
Bunner, Sarah (I6060)
4091 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


She is the sister of John Morris who married Daughter Eagon. (Green
County W B 2. pp. 190) 
Morris, Mary (I6936)
4092 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


She married ?? Russel in 1870. Two children, Clementine and Sarah, are
burie d in Robinson Ridge Cementery, Wetzel County, West Virginia., West Virginia beside
their grandpa rents, Jacob and Amelia. 
Kirkpatrick, Sarah M. (I6206)
4093 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


She married David Swively about 1818. 
Anderson, Mary (I6409)
4094 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


She married Ebenezer Clark and they had nine children and lived in the
Knob F ork area of Wetzel County, West Virginia., West Virginia.. 
Anderson, Harriet (I6415)
4095 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


She married George L. Lynch, born January 14, 1868 in Altizer, Calhoun
Co., W est Virginia and died May 28, 1928. They were born c1900 in Roane
Co., West Virginia. They had four children. She was a housewife. She
died of a heart attack and is buried in Lynch Cemetery, Calhoun Co., West
Anderson, Addie Alvira (I6403)
4096 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


She married J.W. Marshall on December 4, 1879. She is buried in the
Carmicha el Cemetary, Wolf Run, Marshall Co., West Virginia. 
Robinson, Elizabeth (I6292)
4097 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


She married Jacob Higgins on February 6, 1862. They had six children.
She wa s born on Aug 9, 1939 in Baltimore, MD. She died before August 22,
Kirkpatrick, Susanna J. (I6204)
4098 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


She married John E. Schlobohn in December 1877. 
Sapp, Sarah Jane (I6419)
4099 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


She married Joshua Shuttleworth. Their children were Catherine born in
1842, Benjamin F. born in 1844 and married to Missouria Asbhy, John born
in 1845, William born in 1847, Joshua Jr. born in 1848, Luraner born in
1850 and marri ed to C. C. Chenoweth, Randolph born in 1851, Sarah Rebecca
born in 1852, And rew Notley born in 1856, Eunice born in 1857 and married
T. J. Watson, Mahale born in 1858, Laura born in 1859, and Selby Marshall
born in 1861 and Marrie d to Ida Webber. 
Sapp, Rebecca (I6431)
4100 King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001.


She married Kent Horner about 1823. 
Anderson, Margaret (I6412)

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