Matches 4,001 to 4,050 of 18,015
# | Notes | Linked to |
4001 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] James and Mary had four children, Margaret was the youngest. They grew up an d married in Cecil Co., Maryland. They moved west and settled on Ten Mile C reek about the same time the Andersons settled on Muddy Creek. Their farms w ere almost adjoining, on opposite sides of the ridge, and it was not a very l ong walk or horseback ride from one house to another. James Eagon died and by his will left some items to each of this three daughters and the greatest amo unt to his son Barnet. He is listed in the 1790 Maryland Census as living in C ecil Co., West Nottingham Hundred, MD. The census also has 5 white males und er 16 and 4 whit females living togeather, no slaves. from The Anderson Fami ly "The Eagon Family is of Maryland origin, where as on the Tenmile and in G uernsey County, Ohio, the name is frequently spelled 'Hagen' ect. At least t wo branches of this family settled near each other on the Tenmile, where Jame s Eagon was as original patentee of a tract of lanh. This tract of 300 acres was warrented to him on September 11, 1784, under the title of 'Stone Cole' and then on February 19, 1787, a patent was secured for the tract under the t itle 'Eagons Farm.' It was located at the mouth of Coal Lick, next to John A nkrom's fort. James Eagon served in Captain James Archer's Militia Company i n the arrangement of 1782, and was a signer of the Petition for the new state to be known as Westsylvania. He was an early purchaser of a lot in Waynesbu rg, which at the time of his death was rented to William Crawford, Esq. Jame s Eagon died about 1821, leaving a will that was probated November 23, 1821. In his will he named a wife, Mary, who collected the rent on his Waynesburg house and lot for a number of years after his death. Only four children are named in his will. from The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families James Eagon came to green Co (Washington Co.) from Maryland around 1780. He served in the First Battalion, Washington Contry Miliria under Capt. James Archer, in the Revolutionary War. He owned a large amount of land in Jefferson Twnsh ip and was one of the original purchasers of land in Waynesburg. He sold one lot in Waynesburg to his daughter, Sarah Eagon Anderson) after the death of her husband, Thomas Anderson, Jr. In 1806, James Eagon, as one of the trustees of the Methodist Church, aided in the purchase of land on which was built th e first Methodist Church in Waynesburg. The building is gone but the cemeter y is still there. James and Mary resided in jefferson Township and Mary must have preceded James in death, as her name does not appear in his will. from Adamson - Duvall and related Families by Ree Adamson Fraelick, Chapt er six | Eagon, James (I6941)
4002 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] James grew up on "Preston's Chance". He married Sarah Scott in late 1708 or e arly 1709. He inherited the farm "Friendship" from his father in 1710. He a nd Sarah had a total of eight children, the last being born in 1727. James d ivided his estate by will between his wife and children, but deducted from Gr ace's share six pounds currency " for as much a she having received that sum already". He signed his will on 5 Nov. 1728 and it was probated 1 Nov. 1729. Our Horner Ancestors | Preston, James Sr. (I6363)
4003 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] James moved to Clinton Co., Indiana where he died. | Mundell, James (I7528)
4004 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] James Mundell was a wheelwright for water mills in England and he longed to c ome to America, as he called it, "the land of promise". he finally came to D elaware, bringing with him a son, James, aged 15. The elder James started ba ck to England [or is it Irland?] to bring over the other members of his famil y. His ship was lost at sea. From The Mundell (Mundle) Family by Ruby Mundell Barry 1968 | Mundell, James Sr. (I7319)
4005 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] James was a Private los E. 6th Regiment, West Virginia Volunteer Cavalry. On July 14, 1890 he received an $8.00 per month pension for "Brinchitre, rhemma trsim, and desease of rectrum". Grave marker reads" Cop'l J. M. Ashcraft, Co. B, 4th ??? Cav." He is buried at Low Gap Cemetery, Wetzel County, West Virginia., West Virginia . The 1860 census for Monogalio Co., VA shows his age as 18 so he was born i n 1842 but someone said it was in 1847. The Census also lists him as a farm h and born in VA. He fathered nine children by both wives. From my dialogue wit h JH Ashcraft, Tim Ashcraft July 1998 Of course, I don't know too much about J ames Madison, my Grandfather, but from the census, he was born in 1842 and th e story in the family was that he went in to the Civil War at 16. I can't th ink that that's right because in two or three places in the census in Morgant own, it gives his birth date as 1842 so if he went in at the start of the Civ il War, he would have had to have been 19 instead of 16, and I'd rather think that's what he was; although the picture we have of him looks like he might be 16 years old, doesn't it? He's very, very young. He was in the Civil W ar until it ended. The story that I hear about him was that he was captured and was in Andersonville Prison when the war ended. It's amazing that he got out of there alive because there were 7,000 and some that didn't. He was am ong the first to have gotten, when the War ended, turned loose and and told t o go home. That's right outside Atlanta, Georgia. To walk to Wetzel County, West Virginiaunty or Marion County or Monongalia County, West Virginia, it would be at least 1, 000 miles and it would seem to me like that would take a little while to walk there. One story that George Clark told me and don't know where he got this one unless Dad had told him sometime, was when he was turned loose at Anders onville, he was walking up the road with several other soldiers that were dis charged at the same time and he happened to spot a beef head over at the side of the road, and he didn't say anything to anybody about it, but he just fel l out and pretended that he had to stop to rest. They walked on, and he wa lked back and got that beef head and I guess it had maggots in it, but he cle aned them out the best he could and cooked it the best he could and ate it. I guess if you're hungry enough, you'll eat darn near anything. Those guys o ut of Andersonville I'm sure were pretty hungry. He came back into Morgantow n and married a woman by the name of Lydia Stansberry. They had several chil dren which you have a record of. She died, I don't know what year--I don't r emember what year. You probably have it down there, but then he married my G randmother who was Robison. They had three children--Uncle George, my Dad an d Aunt Minnie and I was told that he was a school teacher, and I wondered abo ut that. Gladyth told me that when he had gotten out of the Army, he had gon e to, I think it was West Liberty, and taken a test there at the college for a teacher's examination, which you could do at that time. He passed it and was a school teacher. It's hard to believe that anybody with no more educat ion that he likely had could be a school teacher, but I guess they did. He d ied at (Knob Forge), and I've wondered why he wasn't buried with one of his w ives, but I guess if he died at (Knob Forge), taking him to Bealer Station up where my Grandmother is buried would have been, by horse and buggy, at least a 2-day trip going up, so probably it was a matter of convenience to bury hi m at (Little Gap). That's all I know about the Gentleman. | Ashcraft, James Madison (I6056)
4006 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Jane died after Levi. William Hart May be a son. The Mundell Family | Hart, Levi (I7338)
4007 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Jane married Charles Fuller. She is buried in Carmichael Cemetary, Marshall Co.,Wolf Run, West Virginia. | Carmichael, Jane (I6382)
4008 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] John Ashcraft married Margaret Hurd (born Ca. 1700) on 25 May 1719; Winham Co . Records divorced 18 Sept 1733. The stated cause of the Divorce was adulter y, no mention of who was the guilty party. In his will which he made April 4, 1745, John says,-----being listed to go upon a dangerous expedition to an ene mies' land, have thought good to make this my last will and testament---. Fr om a reading of the will it appears that Ann may have been a daughter by his first wife, but Anne, Samuel and Timothy were minors and a guardian was appoi nted for them. Samuel and Timothy fought in the Revolutionary War. John lis ted in his will that his three children, Ann, Samuel and Timothy to share equ ally; that his children from his first wife to receive 5 shillings apiece, ha ving received the bigger part of their portions already. The Ashcraft Family , Descendants of Daniel by Martha Ashcraft Neal | Ashcraft, John (I6278)
4009 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] John Garrett was the original owner of land on Red Clay Creek, purchased in 1 726, where he established the first mills in the area. In his will he gave his son Thomas Garrett all the Mills & Lots in Mill Creek Hundred, Justice, Just ins and Swithin Gustins, and 620 lying in Virginia near black oak thicket bra nch. To his son John Garrett, "all this Estate of Land and Mills Lying on Ch ristiana hundred in New Castle Upon Dellaware and Some in Mill Creek hundred which I now possess and riffel gun and he must pay to his Sisters Elizabeth & Ann & Sara & Margaret the Sum (not legible) pound to Each..." Will proved 4 Sept, 1757. After his death the sons converted the mills to snuff and amass ed the great Garrett Snuff fortune. (The Garrett Snuff Fortune by C. A. Wesla ger) From The Mundell (Mundle) Family by Ruby Mundell Barry 1968 Margaret, a widow, was john's second wife. | Garrett, John (I6505)
4010 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] John lived on Little Bingamon Creek in present Marion County, West VirginiaA. His second w ife was Darcu Glover (1808-1892). John and Elizabeth had several children: Eze biel, born 1799 and married to Jane Nay; Isaac, Born 1803 and married to Anna Ashcraft; John, born 1805 and married to Rebecca Hess; Catherine married to a Tucker; Charity married William Wilkie and died in 1883 at Shinnston; Abiga il, born about 1812 and married Henson Nay and lived near Worthington. John and Dorcas had a daughter, Elizabeth, who married his grandson Abraham. | Ashcraft, John (I6257)
4011 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] John Married Mary Mead in 1807. | Carmichael, John Jr. (I6385)
4012 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] John Osburn married Deliverance Blackman. * * from t14.htm#0 | Osborne, John (I6605)
4013 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] John Vickers was a Corporal, Cap. Thomas Co., Artillery, Maryland Militie, Wa r of 1812. | Vickers, John (I6171)
4014 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Known as James "the Cripple", having suffered a broken hip. The Mundell (Mundl e) Family by Ruth Mundell Barry 1968 He probably was the oldest son. He may have married twice as a deed of record shows him joined by a wife, Elizabeth, yet buried in the Mundell Cemetery with his sister; a marker shows that Sara h, wife of James Mundel, died in 1835, aged 67 years. Sarah Miller, Daughter of John and Patence Miller, married one James Mundell. (O. C. Docket 1. pp 1 05) The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families. The Mundell Family says " J ames Mundell, said to be the first born (Born 1752); however, if this is true he must have died and another son given the same name." Also from The Munde ll Family: James was born February 2, 1767; died in Green County, Pennsylvania Oct 31, 1862 ; married 1791 Sarah Miller, daughter of James and Jemina Miller, born Abt 17 68; died Green Co., PA March 21, 1835. She is buried in the Mundell Cenetery with her husband. He was a farmer throughout his life. His will is is reco rder in Will Book 4, Page 25, File #2015 James and Sarah's children were: J emina Mundell Married .... Marris. They moved to VA (WVA?), then to Indiana and to Illinois. They had Joseph, Catherline and Elvira & others. Marga ret Mundell Married Joseph Morley. Sarah Mundell d Oct 23,1874 age 79 years, Married (1) John Clymer d Dec 14, 1861 age 81 years, 11days, son of Christi an and Barbara Clymer (2) Abner Morris. Children: Sarah Ann Clymer d Oct. 1 5, 1854, aged 22 years, 11 month, 25 days, unmarried; Lindsay Clymer 1836-1 881, married Sarah Myers 1841-1926; Christian Clymer married Orpha Long Hat field; John Clymer; and James Madison Clymer Frances Mundel b April 19, 1798 d Jane Lew, (W)VA April 4, 1854 Married Feb 7, 1825 William Baily b No v 4, 1796 d Jan 12, 1849 in Lewis Co., (W)VA. Son of Minter & Nancy (Norri s) Bailey. Children: Ann married Washington Brown; Matilda married Wilson West; Hannah married Walter WiskSallie married ?? Hickenbottom; Nancy marrie d Jacob Laster; James married Andrew Mundell James Mundell Jr. Married Nanc y Grooms Joseph Mundell Oct 13, 1800/Aug 20, 1868 Married Amanda M. Sigler Ab ner Mundell Jan 14, 1807/Nov 13, 1892 Married Elizabeth Mundell | Mundell, James (I6528)
4015 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Last name nay have been Oatley. | Hardin, Hester (I6260)
4016 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Levi was 1st Cousin. | Ashcraft, Charity (I6253)
4017 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Listed as a carpenter in 1860 Monogalia Co. Census. He was age 73-1-4 at dea th, as listed in cemetary records book for Monogalia Co., Clinton District. He is buried in Pisgah Church Cemetery, Monongalia Co., WVA. | Ashcraft, Moses (I6059)
4018 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Lived in Clay District. | Hatfield, Jacob (I6211)
4019 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Lived in Fayette Co., PA and was killed by Indians. | Ashcraft, Jacob (I7071)
4020 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Lived in Gloucester Co., NJ. Samuel fought in the Revolutionary War, Book XX X, 169, 242.. | Ashcraft, Samuel (I6638)
4021 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Lived in Lyons Co., Kansas. | Hatfield, Louise (I6217)
4022 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Margaret did not marry. | Anderson, Margaret (I6473)
4023 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Margaret was born in Christiana Hundred, near Wilmington, DE. Her birthdate is unknown. She died after 1805 and is buried in the Mundell Pioneer Cemeter y. She is the daughter of John Garrett and his second wife, a widow, Margare t James. From The Mundell (Mundle) Family by Ruby Mundell Barry | Garrett, Margaret (I6527)
4024 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Margaret was the youngest of four children. She is buried in Low Gap Cemeter y, Wetzel County, West Virginia., West Virginia. | Eagon, Margaret (I6951)
4025 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Marrage date Nov.9, 1937. The Mundell Family | Mundell, Josephus (I7484)
4026 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Married November 28, ????. The Mundell Family | Mundell, Jesse (I7496)
4027 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Married a Baily. 1776- A time to Remember bu Dorothy T. Hennen Daughter Eli za Ann Born September 6, 1826. The Mundell Family. | Mundell, Jane (I6512)
4028 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Married a Hart. 1776 - A Time to Remember by Dorothy T. Hennen She is not list ed in her father's will. She was born in 1760 and died October 15, 1831. Sh e married John Hart who was born about 1756. She was baptised at the Goshen Baptest Church on August 29, 1789 and buried in the Mundell cemetery. From The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Family All the children and grandchildren are from the Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families. Margaret was cut off from the church for committing an act of adultery; on February 24, 1798 both John and Margaret were excommunicated from the church. The Mundel l Family | Mundell, Margaret (I6532)
4029 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Married a Lantz. 1776-A Time to Remember by Doroyhy T. Hennen Stayed in Green Co., PA through 1850. The Mundell Family | Mundell, Mary (I6514)
4030 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Married a Morris. 1776-A Time to Remember by Dorothy T. Hennen. She was still living in 1850. The Mundell (Mundle) Family She stayed in Greene County, Pennsylvania T he Mundell Family | Mundell, Margaret (I6511)
4031 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Married a Tribby. 1776-A Time to Remember by Dorothy T. Hennen Moved to Marsh all Co., Indiana. Thomas Tribby moved with them. The Mundell Family | Mundell, Priscilla (I6522)
4032 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Married Callie Wade on January 28, 1889. | Hatfield, Charles Benton (I6221)
4033 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Married Caroline Jackson on May 31, 1868in Wetzel County, West Virginia., West Virginia. | Kirkpatrick, Perry Ayer (I6208)
4034 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Married Ephriam Conner. | Carmichael, Frances (I6381)
4035 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Married Ezekial Fuller on February 2, 1997. | Carmichael, Elizabeth (I6384)
4036 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Married Iantha Whipkey on February 23, 1882. Nathan's obit. said his wife wa s "Virginia" but his daughters say "Iantha". their sons- Nathan Encil, W. He rman, Earl M. and daughters - Mrs. C.F. Hammett, Mrs. Sherman Wisman, Lettie and Mrs. Rena B. Fuller. | Robinson, Nathan (I6296)
4037 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Married Iffa (Abby, Ibby or Ebby) Strosnider on October 20, 1870 in Wetzel County, West Virginia ., West Virginia.. | Kirkpatrick, John M. (I6207)
4038 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Married James Strosnider on February 14, 1869 in Wetzel County, West Virginia., West Virginia. H er first name may be Sarilda. | Kirkpatrick, Syrilda Ann (I6209)
4039 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Married Jeremiah (Jerry) Long. She died in 1872. | Kirkpatric, Lucinda (I6222)
4040 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Married Mary Earliwine. | Carmichael, James (I6388)
4041 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Married to William S. Anderson per Marsha Ashcraft Neal. | Ashcraft, Sarah Ellen (I6544)
4042 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Married William Foster. | Carmichael, Elizabeth (I6380)
4043 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Martha Neal has her death date as July 8, 1841. | Ashcraft, Mary Ann (I6247)
4044 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Mary (Mural) Ashcraft Has birth date as 22July 1680 - " hl/dat14.htm#0" | Ashcraft, Mary (I6462)
4045 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Mattied a Cox. 1776-A Time to Remember by Dorothy T. Hennen | Mundell, Nancy (I6517)
4046 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] May have been born in 1765. He was a farmer and fought in Border Warfare. He died in 1830 or 1833. | Ashcraft, Levi (I6061)
4047 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] May have been married 3 times. Moved to Floyd Co., Indiana quite early. Peg gy died by 1822. | Mundell, Andrew (I7532)
4048 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] May have been married in Marshall Co., WVA. per J. H. (Tim) Ashcraft | Ashcraft, Minnie (I6232)
4049 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Migrated to Floyd Co., Indiana. | Akers, James M. (I7538)
4050 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Migrated to Orange CO., Indiana. | Mills, Richard (I7536)