Matches 3,951 to 4,000 of 18,015
# | Notes | Linked to |
3951 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He married Malissa Carney on January 9, 1867 or June 9, 1864 in Wetzel Co., W est Virginia. He is buried in the Samuel Kirk Farm on Kirk Ridge, Wetzel County, West Virginia. , West Virginia. | Kirkpatrick, Samuel K. (I6203)
3952 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He married Mary Ethel Whytsell on January 29, 1899. She was born on Septembe r 30, 1879 in Calhoun Co., West Virginia and died November 18, 1942 in Lether bark, West Virginia. They had five children. He was a farmer who died of Ol d Age and is buried in Lynch Cemetery, Altizer, West Virginia. | Anderson, John Lindsey (I6400)
3953 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He married Mary Jane Dowler, daughter of Isaac & Kathryn Dowler, on September 28, 1875. He lived in Kansas from 1884 to 1888. His children were Isaac D., James K., John S. and Orie H. He is buried in Wood Hill Cemetary. | Robinson, Samuel (I6295)
3954 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He married Mary. | Anderson, Daniel (I6413)
3955 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He married Nancy Masters who was borne on November 7, 1866 at Mt. Morris, PA and died January 30, 1935 at Spencer, West Virginia. They dad four childred. He was a farmer. William died on Pheumonia and is buried in Gibson Cemetery , Calhoun Co., West Virginia. | Anderson, William Elza (I6396)
3956 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He married Priscilla Israel and their daughter married George Moredock. The Moredock's still live in Greene County, Pennsylvania. | Anderson, James (I6467)
3957 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He married Sara Serapta 'Sadie' Haynes on January 15, 1891. | Sapp, Henry (I10945)
3958 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He married Sarah E. Powell about 1855. He is buried in the Gibson Cemerery, Calhoun Co., West Virginia. | Anderson, Garrison (I6406)
3959 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He married Sarah E. Sole. He went by Frank. | Sapp, Benjamin Franklin (I6424)
3960 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He married Sarah Munnell on November 19, 1874. | Robinson, William B. (I6291)
3961 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He may have fought in the Civil War. He died of measles. | Robinson, George (I6289)
3962 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He may or may not be Ephraim's son. Amos maried John Evan's daughter. | Ashcraft, Amos (I7084)
3963 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He never married. | Sapp, Henry (I6428)
3964 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He server in Captain William Crawford's Company. (Penna. Arch. Series VI Vol 2 pp 166) A deed of record lists his wife as Amenda (Deed Book 10 pp 143) From The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families Born New Castle Co., Delawa re; died Jefferson County, KY August 31, 1806, aged 56 years. The age may be wrong and the DAR has his birth year as 1758. his wife's name was Jane. Her second husband was Kenner Seaton who she married in 1808. John and Jane are buried in Chenowith Run Cemetary on Seatonville Road, ca 3 miles from Jeffer sontown, KY. It seens likely that John did not join his parents to Green Co., PA and his Revolutionary War service was in Virginia (probablt now KY). John and Jane were in Jefferson Co., Virginia (KY) by 1781; probably went with th e Chenowith family. His will was probated there October 6, 1806. John and J ane were charter members of the Chenowith Bpatist Church. The Mundell Family. All the information of John's children are from The Mundell Family. | Mundell, John (I6529)
3965 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He was a 2nd. Lieutenant during the Civil War. He was a part of Co. G. 17Reg iment West Virginia Infantry. Joined services for 1 year on February 21, 186 5, Mustered in on February 22, 1865 and mustered out on June 30, 1865. He wa s commissioned on February 22, 1865. Mustered in by virture of commission fr om A. I. Boreman, Govenor of West Virginia. Enlisted at Wheeling, West Virgi nia. | Vickers, Andrew J. (I6393)
3966 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He was a Major in the War of 1812 and was an inkeeper. | Lantz, Major Lot (I7409)
3967 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He was married in Endicott, West VirginiaA to first wife, a Sapp,and had a daughter, Mar ie. Second wife was Nellie and had 3 more children - Helen, Deloris and Buddy . By his third wife, Thelma, he had Don and David. He is buried in Philadelp hia, Miss. | Kirkpatrick, Orris Earl (I6087)
3968 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He was single and is buried at Beelers Station Cemetary, West Virginia. | Robinson, John (I6293)
3969 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He was the eldest of three children. He grew up at The Clifts. He and Mary had four children; James was the second born. They moved north and settled i n Bush River, Lower Hundred, Baltimore (Hartford Co. ?) County. The tract of land which they obtained was called "Preston's Chanch" which gives us some i nsight into the prospects for creating a viable farm. They made it work and Thomas Jr. purchased more land nereby. When Thomas Jr. died, James inherited a farm called "Friendship", while a younger brother was given "Preston's Cha nce". Maybe James had already moved onto :Friendship" and was farming it. D ied at age 69in Calvert Co, Md. His will was signed in 1708 and probated in 1710. His wife was the heiress of Joseph Hewes but she might be the daughter , sister or wife. Our Horner Ancestors | Preston, Thomas Jr. (I6367)
3970 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He was unmarried and is buried in Broad Tree cemetary, Wetzel County, West Virginia., West Virgi nia. | Clark, John Henry (I6168)
3971 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] He was very religous. He was a hard worker and worked for the gas co. He had a fruite orchard and greenhouse. As a church contribution, he worked as a ja nitor for the church. | Ashcraft, George (I6230)
3972 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Her birth year may be 1862 or 1863. She married William Latzch. Her second husband was Marian Gorby. | Sapp, Julia Rebecca (I10947)
3973 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Her birth year may have been 1869. Mary married Thomas Jackson Morris in 188 6. They had eight children - John, Irene, Robert, Ellen, Andrew, Mary, Nancy and Carroll (Carl). Mary Ann Died on April 27, 1842 and is buried in Morris Run, Wetzel County, West Virginia., West Virginia. | Clark, Mary Ann (I6391)
3974 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Her death date may be May 7, 1885. She is buried in Robinson Ridge Cemetery, Wetzel County, West Virginia., West Virginia. | Lemasters, Amelia (I6093)
3975 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Her last name may be Hurd. | Ross, Experience Margaret (I6199)
3976 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Her last name may not have been Peers (see John Ashcrofte NOTES). | Peers, Elizabeth (I6598)
3977 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Her name was Sarah or Sara. She married Wiley Low(e) on July 27, 1867. She is buried at Big Run Cemetary. His parents were G.W. Low and Mary A. Hunt. | Robinson, Sara (I6290)
3978 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Her nickname was Lizzie. She attended the Catholic Church in Littleton, WVA. She died of Tuberculoses and is buried in Low Gap Cemetery, Wetzel Co., WVA | Clark, Margaret Elizabeth (I6053)
3979 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Her obituary makes no mention of her second marrage. Her name is listed as M .M. Clark. She died at 2:40 AM on Friday , March 12, 1920 and services were a t the Cathlic Church, Littleton, Wetzel County, West Virginia., West Virginia on March 14, 1920. She is buried in the Cathlic Church Cemetary. She married William T. Morris on August 20, 1878. | Vickers, Nancy Margaret (I6160)
3980 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Her obitury has her birth place as the eastern shore on Maryland but the 1870 Census has Deleware. | Lusby, Elizabeth (I6173)
3981 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Her parents were William and Margaret (Mitchell) Wood. from The Tenmile Countr y and Its Pioneer Families | Wood, Hannah (I6923)
3982 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] His birth date may also be June 10, 1821 or May 10, 1819. His first wife was Cenith Shuttlewort and they had Margaret, Benjamin born in 1841 and who died young, and Charlotte. His second wife was Rebecca Bunner Hoffman born Novem ber 19, 1819 in Marion Co and died May 20, 1875 in Marion County, West Virginia. They were married on January 20, 1846 in Monongalia Co, Virginia (WVA). The ir children were William, Cenith, Sammuel, Sara and Rebbeca Jane. | Sapp, Joseph Edison (I16936)
3983 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] His first wife was Blanche Weaver and they had Sarah, Thomas Jefferson, Elvir a, Sarepya, Godfrey Murdock and Tacy., His second was Kay Bunner - Malone. | Sapp, Edmund P. (I6429)
3984 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] His first wife was Jane Frum and they were married on June 8, 1845. Their ch ild was Joseph Edwin. His is second was Martha Divitt and they were married on September 6, 1849. Their children were Jane Roxana, Robert Crawford, Sadi e Ann, Regina Morrow, George Rrinton and Samuel Brown. | Sapp, Samuel Guthrie (I6425)
3985 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] His first wife was Maggie Bunner and theeir children were Louvenna, Eliza and Harold. His second wife was Abigail Johnson and their children were Delura, Maude S. and Wayne. He lived in Waynoka, Oklahoma. | Sapp, Jasper Steerod (I16937)
3986 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] His first wife was Martha Morris; his second wife was Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Sole | Sapp, Hugh (I8009)
3987 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] His mother died when he was 4. She was buried the next day. He was left at a house during the funeral. He thought that he was being deserted. He staye d with his father until his death when Jolly was 9. He then went to live wit h an Uncle. He did not get along with his Aunt who made Jolly scrub the floo rs and more. At the age of 14 he went to the oil fields, dressing tools and r unning casings. In 1901 he was employed by the South Bend Oil Co. near Man nington as a roustabout pulling tubing and rods. During this time, he stayed at a boarding house where he paid 25 cents for a meal, bed and washing his c lothes. In addition to a horse and buggy, he owned a one horse sled for wint er traveling. In 1907 it took him six days to travel by train to California wh ere he was the boss of a lease gang for the Monarch Oil Co. Nine months late r he returned East to manage a general store which he bought at Dean, West Virginia. The store supplied everything from nails to dry goods to candy. S ugar came in barrels, candy in buckets, oranges only at Christmas time and ba nanas only in the Summer. Nails were five cents a pound, brown sugar at six pounds for 25 cents with Mail Pouch tobacco costing 25 cents for six packages . Farmers brought turkeys, geese and chickens to the store at Christmas time and Jolly employed extra help to dress them for sale. In one section of the store was a Post Office, and the only compensation from the Post Office Depa rtment was the amount of the cancelled stamps. From 1912 to 1920 he bought a nd sold two stores at Burton and Hundred and then went into business as a con tractor, building houses at Moundsville, WVA. Nineteen years later he went t o work for his son in a grocery store in hundred. In 1959 he and his wife sa w an advertisement in the paper concerning a restaurant for sale in Mt. Pleas ant, OH and they purchased it. He was named for a Dr. Jolly. Jolly had a heart attack in 1935 with no ill effects. He attributes his longevity to smo king the right kind of tobacco (he smoked a pipe) and staying in at night. H e is buried in Mt. Pleasent, OH. | Ashcraft, James Jolly (I6052)
3988 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] His name may be Topley, Topliff, Talpy or Tripett. He married Lydia or Lyda Haynes. | Sapp, Tapley Trippett (I10946)
3989 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] His name may have been Linsey. He died a young man. | Lindsey, _____ (I6408)
3990 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] His name might be John Cox. The Mundell Family | Cox, _____ (I7426)
3991 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] His parents were John and Rebecca Morris of Jefferson Township, Green County, PA. from The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families | Morris, John (I6933)
3992 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] His parents were Richard and Nancy (Rinehart) Ankrom. Thomas was living at t he time of Barnet's death. from The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families | Ankrom, Thomas (I6927)
3993 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] His parents were Samuel Teagarden and Anna Parks. Mattha Ashcraft Neal | Teagarden, David Lindsay (I6552)
3994 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] His will was probated June 12, 1828. Samuel served in Captain Benjamin Stites ' Morgan Township Milita Company. He patented the tract of land called "Pine Grove" on January 22, 1799, which had been warranted to him on October 17, 1 785. It is but one farm removed from James Eagon land. An old cemetery back of the John Harry stone house is the House Cemetery, wherin Samuel and his w ife are buried. from The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneed Families | House, Samuel Sr. (I6954)
3995 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] I am not sure of her name. | Kardonick, Sarah (I6145)
3996 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] I think it unlikely that he died at Pt. Pleasant simce there is no record of his death there. Tim Ashcraft 1998 | Ashcraft, Daniel F. Jr. (I7076)
3997 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] In 1635 or 1637 he and his brother, Richard, immigrated to Virginia and settl ed there. Later they odjected to the actions, which they considered to be pe rsecution, of the Governor of Virginia and, separately, moved up the Chesapea ke to Maryland. On May 16, 1665, Thomas bought 500 acres of land lying on "T he Clifts" of Calvert County which is a short distance north of the mouth of the Patuxent River and about 35 miles south of Annapolis. While in Virginia he married Elizabeth (family name unknown) and they had three children. TCR "...and because of the persecution by the Colonial Governor of Virginia, lef t Virginia in 1648 and came to Maryland. ...'Richard Preston in his will in 1 669 gives to Thomas Preston, upon the Clifts, what tobacco he owes me.' " Ou r Horner Ancestors Copy of will in my files. | Preston, Thomas Sr. (I6369)
3998 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] In 1776 the Andereson family was living not far from Havre de Grace,in the no rtheastern part of Baltimore Co., Maryland. Baltimore had been part of Hartf ord Co., MD. He grew up on his father's farm. He becamea millwright and is refered to as such a tradesman in Hartford County records. He inherited a sm all parcel of land from his mother, as well as half-interest in his father's farms, and he bought several other tracts in the general neighborhood.He was a large land-owner, a community leader, an elected member of the local govern ment unit and a military officer... In 1775, Charles Anderson began to sell his land. The Anderson family moved west in late 1777 or early 1778. When h e left Maryland, his wife and all eight children accompanied him. No known c hildren were born in the Monongahela Valley. They moved to Muddy Creek, Cumb erland Township, Washington Co. (Green Co.), Pennsylvania by September 1778. He lived the rest of his life there. Muddy Creek is located about a half mi le northwest of Carmichaels. Charles and Mary have eight children recorded i n the 1776 Cencus of Susquehanna Hundred. Oddly, particularly in view of the large acreage he owned, no slaves are listed. Other nearby families are sho wn as slave owners. He may not have believed in slavery and refused to have any part of it. His will was probated in Green Co. Pennsylvania. It leaves all the land and almost everything else to his son, William. William's sons, William and Charles, grand-daughters Drucilla Anderson and Polly Snively are given small items. His son Charles was given a cross cut saw. The execut ors for the will were his sons William and James. No other childred were ment ioned, so six were cut out entirely. Charles is buried in Cumberland Township Farm Cemetery, Greene County, Pennsylvania Charles had seen the onening of the valleys beyo nd the mountains to white man's settlement and had been among the first to mo ve and settle the new lands. | Anderson, Charles II (I6346)
3999 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Jack Sandy Anderson said Rebecca's last name might have been Tucker. Her secon d marrage was to Elijha Watkins on 31 October 1834 in Marion Co. Virginia (WV A). They had a child, Rebecca. Rebecca's last name was Watkins per The Ashcra ft Family. | Evans, Rebecca (I6063)
4000 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] James and his brother Jesse served as executors of their father's will. Jame s owned a mill in Guernesy County, Ohio, the proceeds of which were given to keep his widow during her life. Her name is not given. His will is in the W ill Book B. pp. 147 and was probated June 8, 1846. from The Tenmile Country an d Its Pioneer Families | Eagon, James (I6941)