Matches 3,801 to 3,850 of 18,015
# | Notes | Linked to |
3801 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] "David Garrison, not listed in O.C. Docket, but a Jeremial Garrison is listed and not in the pension application." The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Fami lies | Garrison, David (I6485)
3802 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] "In May, 1791, as John McIntire and his wife were returning to their home abo ut two miles above the mouth of the Bingamon Creek, in what is now Clay Distr ict, they passed through the yard of Uriah Ashcraft, and in a short time afte r Mr. Ashcraft startled by the sudden growling and springing up of one of his dogs, stepped quickley to the door to see what had aroused him. He had hard ley reached the door when he espied an Indian on the outside withhis gun pres ented. Closing and making fast the door, he ascended the stairs that he migh t better fire on the intruder, and after snapping his gun several times and d iscovering that there were other Indians in the yard he raised a loud shout t o apprise those who were within the sound of his voice that he was surrounded by danger. Upon this the Indians moved off and three brothers of John McInt ire coming to his relief they all pursued the trail of the savages. "About a mile from Ashcraft's they came upon the body of John McIntire tomahawked, st ripped and scalped, and concluded that Mrs. McIntire had been taken prisoner. They sent intelligence to Clarksburg of what had happened and requested ass istance to follow the Indians and recover the prisoner from captivity. The d esired assistance was immediately afforded and a company of men led on by Joh n Haymond and George Jackson were in pursuit." After a brief fight with the Indians some on the plunder was recovered. "It was here first ascertained tha t Mrs. McIntire had been killed, her scalp being among the things abandoned b y the Indians. Her body was afterwards found a short distance from where tha t of her husband had been previously discovered." History of Harrison County , by Henry Haymond 1973 | Ashcraft, Uriah (I6254)
3803 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] "Jacob Garrison, youngest son .... died in Green County about 1846. (Orphans Court Docket lists the following record on pp. 57 Vol 3). His wife was Sarah Long." The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families | Garrison, Jacob (I6501)
3804 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] "The Burrows family history lists a Mary Burrows of Stonington born 1672, but this record does not include the name of her spouse. It is belived that she is the Mary who married John Ashcraft. John had a strong connection to the Burrows family." The Ashcraft Family, Descendents of Daniel by Martha Ashcra ft Neal May have been Burroughs - "" | Burrows, Mary (I6611)
3805 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] 1790 Census for Brooklyne, Windham Co, CT has 3 males 16+, 1male 16-, 4 femal es. | Ashcraft, John (I6704)
3806 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] 1790 Census for George's Twp., Fayette Co., PA had 3 males 16+ and 4 females. | Ashcraft, Ephraim (I7069)
3807 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] 1850 census has George as 44, Charlottc as 36, Jahn as 18, Elizabeth as 12 an d Armina as 10/12. All Born in PA. | Morris, George (I7376)
3808 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] 1850 census has Jacob as 37, Cassandra as 36, Meriah as 13, John as 12, Benja min as 10, George as 7 and Mary as 5. | Lantz, Jacob (I7422)
3809 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] 1850 census has John as 50, Margaret as 39, Elijah as 19, Oliver as 15, Cynth ia as 13, Malinda as 11, John as 7 and Minor as 2. | Coleman, John Sr. (I7462)
3810 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] A child of Miles and Catherine in buried in Laings Cemetery, Monroe Co., Ohio . A Miles Hart is in the 1850 census of Belmont Co., Ohio The Mundell Family | Hart, Miles (I7334)
3811 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] After their marriage they moved to Ohio (Marshall) Co., (W)VA, buying a farm on Fork Ridge, where they lived the rest of their lives. Both are buried at Oak Grove Methodist Church on Fork Ridge, near Moundsville, WVA. The Mundell ( Mundle) Family | Mundell, John (I6515)
3812 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Age 34 in 1850 census. | Richey, David (I7382)
3813 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Age 34 in 1850 census. | Lantz, Frances (I7416)
3814 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Age 41 in 1850 census. Frances age 34, Malinda age 9, Frances age 6 and Ann M atilda age 2. | Minor, Samuel (I7417)
3815 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] All information on George Garrison and his descendints is from "The Tenmile C ountry and Its Pioneer Families". "George Garrison was born in Maryland about 1759, and died in Green County, Pennsylvania about 1843. There are several b iographies of this man, one published in Haddon's 'History of Fayette and Gre en Counties,' and another written by his son, Josephus Garrison. All of them contain some errors..... None of then contain definite dates for his family , nor do they prove Revolutionary War service.....although they claim he serv ed as much as seven years, and that part is probably true. The pension app lication for his brother Leonard Garrison, does give definite service in that war...... See Green County Will Book 2, pp 176, probated April 20, 1843. | Garrison, Captain George (I6500)
3816 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Aunt Maggie lived most of her life at Dean, W. VA. where she was postmaster a nd operated a small general store. She lived a few months past 100. She was a very kind person who never spoke ill about anyone. She was postmaster unt il 1941 when the Government closed the Dean Post Office a few weeks before sh e was eligable for a pension. J.H. (Tim) Ashcraft She married John Joseph Cul linan on September 1, 1897. | _____, Nancy Margaret (I6170)
3817 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Baptist. Shoemaker. | Ashcraft, Leonard Richard (I6676)
3818 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Birth date is questionable. | Eldridge, Polly (I6715)
3819 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Birth date may be 1812 or 1818. His marker says he was 60 years, 1 month, 27 days. | Hatfield, Abner (I6771)
3820 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Birth date may be the 20 or 21 of April, 1819. Her death may be the 20 or 22 of June, 1901. Buried in Charmichael Cemetary, Wolf Run, Marshall Co., West Virginia. His mother (Catherine Carmichael) had the distinction of becoming on e of the first practitioner nurses, receiving her training under famous doc tors during the Civil War, as she was an active member of the women's relief corps. A marked characteristic in her son was the kindness and consideration for oyhers that marked his mother's life. From Nathen H. Robinson's 1940 obit uary | Carmichael, Catherine (I6286)
3821 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Born between Andrew and Patrick. He died an infant. | Clark, George (I6167)
3822 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Both are burier in Glades Cemetery, Greene County, Pennsylvania Died in March 2, 1886. The Mundell family | Mundell, Garret (I7361)
3823 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Bought property at Short Creek, Brook Co., Virginia on February 6, 1797. He moved to Ohio (Marshall) Co., Virginia (WVA) about 1810. He fought in the 2nd Reg. Pa. Line as a Pvt. in the Revolutionary War. After his wife's death he moved to Ohio and bied in Franklin Township, Monroe Co., Ohio. He is buried in Row 6, Stanford Cemetary, Monroe Co., Ohio. | Carmichael, John Sr. (I6303)
3824 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried at Cedar Grove Cemetery, New London, Connecticut. Fought in Revolutiona ry War. Pension #5431. More information in The Ashcraft Family, Descendents of Daniel by Martha Ashcraft Neal. 1790 Census, 1 male 16+, 2 males 16-, 2 fem ales. | Ashcraft, William (I6632)
3825 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried at Laurel Point Cemetery, Carmichaels, Cumberland Township, Green Co., PA. The marker said he was 80 years, 9 days old when he died making his bir th date March 22, 1786. From Cemetery Records of Green Co., Book 3. In 1850 census Margaret Mitchner Born Abt. 1832 was living in his household. 1820 C ensus, Greene Co, Whiteley Township lists 4 males 0-10, 1 male 26-45 and 1 fe male 26-45. 1830 Census, Greene Co, Monongalela Township lists 1 male 0-5, 2 m ales 5-10, 2 males 10-15, 2 males 15-20, 1 male 40-50, 1 female 10-15 and 1 female 30-40. 1840 Census, Green Co, Monongahela Township lists 2 males 10-15 , 1 male 15-20, 1 male 20-30, 1 male 50-60, 1 female 10-15 and 1 female 40-50 . 1850 Census, Greene Co., Monongahela Township lists Jacob, 64 as a farmer with property worth $4,000. Also living in household is Mary Jane and 33, bo rn in NJ and Cephas, age 20 born in PA. 1860 Census, Green Co., Monongahela To wnship lists jacob, age 74 born in NJ with farm worth $9,000 and personal pro perty worth $1,000. Also living in household was Mary J. age 44 born in PA, George E. (Stone) age 17 born in PA, Cephas age 31 born on PA, Harriet (Stone ) age 17 born in PA and Nancy J. age 13 born in PA. Green Co WB 4. pp 151 Es tate #2268 -- Jacob Hatfield, Monongahela Township -- will was written May 24 , 1865 and probated April 5, 1866. Wife Mary Jane and sons Abner, George W., Samuel and Hiram are listed. Jacob was excommunicated from the Baptest Church on October 5, 1853. by Phyllis Combs, Rt 1 - Box 74, New Market, IN 51646 Fro m Waynesburg Library: Jacob's children were Abner born 1812 and married to L ucinda; John married to Ocpha Long, George W. born July 30, 1816, died Januar y 10, 1892 and married to Mary Ritchie; Jacob married to Willmena Evahart; He raim married to Rachel; Samuel married to Sarah Reeves; and Cephas born 1830 married to Harriet J. According to the census there must have been a daughter. TJA | Hatfield, Jacob (I6343)
3826 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried in Ashcraft Cementary, Peaceful Hollow Road. | Ashcraft, Mary Jane (I7177)
3827 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried in Ashcraft Cemetery, Peaceful Hollow Road. | Ashcraft, James Richard (I7300)
3828 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried in Ashcraft Family Cementery, Peaceful Hollow Rd., KY. | Ashcraft, Richard James (I7179)
3829 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried in Colvin Chapman Cemetery, Highland Co., Ohio | Ashcraft, Hannah (I7106)
3830 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried in Las Animas, CO | Ashcraft, Uriah Francis (I7206)
3831 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried in Laurel Point Cemetery, Charmichaels, Cumberland Township, Green Co. , PA. Her marker said she was 55 years, 3 months and 13 days old. From Cemet ery Records of Green Co., Book 3. She was baptised into the Goshen Baptest Chu rch on 24 August 1833. Phyllis Combs, Rt 1 - Box 74, New Market, IN 51646 Bor n on March 1, 1792. The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families | Mundell, Rebecca (I6344)
3832 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Northfield, VT | Cady, Tamisin (I6708)
3833 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried in Oak Lawn Cemetery. All data from Martha Neil. | Ashcraft, Sarilda Alice (I6545)
3834 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried in Old Pioneer Cemetery. | Eldridge, William (I6710)
3835 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried in Phillipsburg, KS. | Stephenson, Fern King (I7250)
3836 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried in Pike Twp., Broomstick Cemetery, Cosocton Co., Ohio | Ashcraft, Daniel (I7088)
3837 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried in Reeves Cemetery located on South Muddy Creek near Blaker Cemetery, Cumberland Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania Her headstone gave her age as 72 years, 7 months, 28 days making her birth date November 4, 1792. From Cemetert Reco rds of Green Co., PA, Book 3. From 1850 Cumberland Township Census, her place of birth was New Jersey. | Luce, Sarah (I6342)
3838 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried in Reeves Cemetery located on South Muddy Creek, near Blaker Cemetery, Cumberland Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania The marker told his age as 85 years, 28 days making his birth date October 8, 1781. From Cemetery Records of Green Co., Book 3. From 1850 Cumberland Township Census, he was born in New Jersey a nd his ocupation was farmer. | Reeves, John B. (I6341)
3839 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried in Simla Cemetery, Simla, CO. | Ashcraft, Leah (I7236)
3840 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried in Simla Cemetery, Simla, OK.[1760681.ged] Buried in Simla Cemetery, Simla, CO. | Ashcraft, Everett Lee (I7288)
3841 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried Simla Cemetery, Simla, CO. | Phelps, Mary Georgia (I7249)
3842 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Buried, Mt. Hope Cemetery, Northfield, VT. Was a farmer in Northfield, VT. Fought in Revolutionary War. More information in The Ashcraft Family, Descende nts of Daniel by Martha Ashcraft Neal. | Ashcraft, William (I6707)
3843 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Burried at Old Trinity Burial Grounds, Brooklyn, Connecticut. 1762 lived in B rooklyn, CT. He was a corporal in Revolutionary War. | Ashcraft, Jedidiah (I6623)
3844 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Called "Jr" in James Eagon's will. Was also a member of Captain James Archer 's Militia Company. He moved to Monroe County, Ohio and then to Guernsey Cou nty, Ohio. His will is on file at Cambridge, showing that it was made Septem ber 21, 1833 and filled for probate March 24, 1834. He and his wife were liv ing in Beaver Township at the time of the will. from The Tenmile Country and I ts Pioneer Families | Eagon, Barnet Sr. (I6479)
3845 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Cause of Death: Custom Field:<_FA#> Burried at Moore Cenetary, Near Hundred, West Virginia The pretty one. Loved to sing. Dad didn't want any of the girls to get their hair cut so we all had hair to our shoulders. Despite the fact that she knew Dad wouldn't approve, she had her hair cut in a boyish bob. I'm sure Dad was upset but I guess he reconciled to it. When s he was 17 she wanted to qiut school and get married. Dad would not hear of i t. A short time later she contacted plemonia and side plursey and died. Fre da Ashcraft | Sapp, Velma Mildred (I6098)
3846 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Christened 27 June 1725. From The Ashcraft Family, Descendents of Daniel bu Martha Neal. | Ashcraft, Margaret (I6620)
3847 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Christined on 27 June, 1725. Was a ships Captian. More information is in The Ashcraft Family, Descendents of Daniel by Martha Ashcraft Neal. | Ashcraft, Capt. John (I6617)
3848 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: Timothy Ashcraft / Margaret A. Fogarty (F3055)
3849 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Carter, Janice Diane (I6111)
3850 | King.GEDCOM. Electronic. Date of Import: December13, 2001. [1760681.ged] Custom Field:<_FA#> 1896Married Eleanor Fahey He married Eleanor Fahey in 1896 . She was born on June 17, 1852 in Fattermen, Maryland. | Clark, Robert Emmett (I6169)