[dropcap]T[/dropcap]here was a girl who had been orphaned at a young age and though she had family living nearby none were able to take her in at the time. Her name was Rebecca (Born BET 02 Apr 1774 And 27 Apr 1774). Some historians have listed this woman as being the daughter of John Gapen (Born 1760). Other historians have her listed as being the daughter of David Long (Born Possibly Before 1760). Our Rebecca was born to David Long and his wife but was raised by John Gapen, by the time she was eleven.
This was a time of turbulence. The mountain settlers were in constant struggle with the Natives of the land and the War for Freedom was about to occur. This left John Gapen, wanting to serve in the Revolutionary War and wanting to protect his daughter, Rebecca. This must have been difficult for John, who by all family accounts loved her as his own.
He made a choice and married her off to a good friend of his John Leonard “Leonard The Younger” Garrison. Rebecca was only Eleven years old and John Leonard was fourteen years her elder. Around this same time his brother George, who would earn the title Captian in the Revolutionary War during his seven years of service, married Elizabeth.
John Leonard left his wife to go serve in the war under his brother George. Due to Indian attacks, John was often allowed to go home to check on his wife and his sister in law. Elizabeth. Rebecca and Elizabeth grew close as sister-in-laws while their husbands were away.
John was home frequently enough that he and his wife Rebecca could have had children but they had none or years. I have a romantic notion in my head that John was waiting for his child bride to be older before they consummated their love. At the very least I like to think he would not want to risk losing her life in childbirth or be away from his children who he would not be able to protect. Such behavior was not normal for a man of is time and I can think of no greater reason than love.
John survives the war. John and Rebecca have at least 13 children and enjoy many years together. The same holds true for George and Elizabeth who have at least 11 children. This could be the happy ending to a story, a tale of two brothers, fighting and struggling for their Colonial Freedom and to get back home, no matter how long the road to the women they love.
There is only one twist in this road. Elizabeth, wife of George is Elizabeth Long, the first cousin to her sister in law Rebecca. I will summarize the family relationships as I did in the history I posted in my family tree “The Long Cousin Sister”.
My fifth Great Grandmother Rebecca’s Family
John’s children would then be the niblings of George. His children would also be his brothers 1st cousins 1x removed by marriage. The inverse is true for George’s children in regards to his brother and 1st cousin in law, John Leonard Garrison. It is simple math for me Rebecca and John are my fifth great-grandparents.
The immediate family is listed below.
Abner Garrison; Adam Garrison; Barbara Garrison; Elizabeth Garrison; Frederick Garrison; George Garrison; Hannah Garrison; Irad Garrison; James Garrison; Jemima Garrison; Jeremiah Garrison; Jerusha Garrison; Joanna Garrison; John L. Garrison; John Leonard Garrison; Josephus Garrison; Margaret Garrison; Mary Garrison; Matilda Garrison; Rachel Garrison; Rebecca Garrison; Sarah Garrison; Sarah Garrison; William Garrison; Ann Herrington; David Long; Elizabeth Long; John Long, Jr.; John Long, III; Rebecca Gapen Long.